Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union
left to the forum
March 10, 2025, Warsaw
Hilton Hotel Warsaw City, Grzybowska 63
ICT Week March 10-12, 2025
The 17th edition of the TIME Economic Forum in Warsaw in March 2025 falls on a special time - the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. As the organizers of the Forum, i.e. national chambers of commerce focused on the development of ICT technologies and tools in the economic sectors of the Polish and European economy and politics, we have a unique opportunity to confront our own achievements and intentions with the European challenges of the coming decades.
The TIME Economic Forum, born on the initiative and operating under the leadership of the National Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications, is a joint conference of chambers, foundations and associations as well as companies in the field of IT and telecommunications dedicated to the digital, energy, climate, financial, media and educational transformation of our society and the national economy.
The 17th edition of the Forum will be part of ICT Week, which will include two conferences on March 10-12, 2025: FGTIME on March 10 and Data Space Symposium on March 11-12 organized by the Data Spaces Support Center and Data Spaces Business Alliance ( Gaia - X the European Association for Data and Cloud AISBL , International Data Spaces Association, FIWARE Foundation and Big Data Value Association). ICT WEEK will be a meeting with extensive content, program and number of representatives of the broadly understood Polish ICT sector with representatives of similar institutions and business communities from all countries of the European community.
We are convinced that ICT WEEK will substantively support the Polish Presidency, and the positions and conclusions developed during the meetings that are important for the digital transformation of the country and Europe's economic sectors will enrich this Presidency and thus contribute to the intensification of the European economy, its competitiveness on the global market and achieving the goals of the Digital Decade and the Green Deal.
The main goal of the 17th TIME Economic Forum is to send a very specific message to representatives of the European and Polish administrations from the business world that closer and open cooperation with entrepreneurs' self-governments are new opportunities for more effective use of the innovation potential and EU resources and that this goal can only be achieved within a close and partnership framework. cooperation of these environments. Together we are stronger!


Forum program on March 10
Grand opening of ICTWEEK and the TIME Economic Forum
Stefan Kamiński - Prime Minister, KIGEIT
Andrzej Dulka - President of the Management Board, PIIT
Piotr Mieczkowski - Managing Director, Digital Poland Foundation
Ulrich Ahle - Chief Executive Officer, Gaia -X European Association for Data and Cloud Aisbl
Chandra Challagonda - Chief Executive Officer, Fiware Foundation
Ana Garcia Robles- Lars Nagel - Chief Executive Officer, International Data Spaces Association -IDS European Union. Will the opinions and views of our environment find listening in Brussels? Let's check it during the forum and the following ICT Week!
A modern state in the digital era - a vision of digitization and social transformation
Speech of Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Digitization Krzysztof Gawkowski with the most important elements of the strategy of the state's digitization and other strategic documents in the context of the compass of competitiveness and the goals of the Polish Presidency in the Council of the European Union.
Synergy of the main goals of digitalization
competition, energy transformation, innovation, over -regulation, technological gap, security, community - and what else is before us? President Jarosław Tworóg will once again try to gather these and subsequent challenges in a coherent picture of our expectations and unrest.
Europe in the global race: How to increase the competitiveness of the European economy in the context of modern technologies?
Moderator: Krzysztof Szubert - Senior Associate Member - University of Oxford, Advisor, United Nations
Joanna Świątkowska - Deputy Secretary General, European Cybersecurity Organization
Dariusz Standerski - Secretary of State, Minister of Dig.
Kamila Kloc - Director for Digital Decade and Communications at the General Directorate for Communication Networks, Content and Technology, DG Connect
Jakub Boratyński - director of the internal market, industry, entrepreneurship and SME, DG GROW
or Europe is still counting in a global race? Can he take a better position in it? What can you do and what do you need to make it happen? Will we manage? We invite you to discuss in an expert international group.
How to effectively accelerate the development of artificial intelligence in the EU
Prof. Włodzisław Duch - Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
does not have a more important topic today like artificial intelligence. We all know what the US and China do in this field. And what is the European Union's response and will be? The politician Michał Boni and scientist prof. Włodzisław Spirit.
Digital Europe - how to accelerate the construction of the digital single market?
Doris Põld - Chief Executive Officer, ITL Estonia
Sabina Ciofu - Associate Director - International, The UK's Technology Trade Association
Stella Morabito - Rirector General, Afnum Alliance Française Des Industries du Numérique
Kathrin Glastra - Senior Manager European Affairs, Zvei
Lasse Hamilton Heidemann - Senior Director for Outreach, Digitaleurope
Isabelle Zablit -Schmitz - Deputy Executive Director, Nemeum
Andria Lytvyn - Chief Business Development officer, IT Ukraine Association
The power to take up and solve us, such as simplification and harmonization of regulation, digital infrastructure and investment financing, digital competences and education, interoperability and cyber security. What other issues will our panelists add to this list?
Coffee break
Digital data and software space - the role of data in the digitization of the energy industry, ESG reporting, DPP/GOZ implementation
Digital data space - Data Space
Local energy systems and Data Space for renewable energy
ESG digital space - effective reporting and benefits
Digital data and software space
Krzysztof Kołodziejczyk - Director of Utilities Business Development, Globem
Jarosław Kowalski - Vice -President of the GAIA -X committee, Piit
Karolina Opielewicz - a member of the board, kig
no longer oil but the data is treated as contemporary gold. Because this data is an important element of digital transformation, and as everyone knows, the data is the basis for training artificial intelligence - currently the most important groundbreaking technology. In this situation, issues such as huge data growths, their collection, their security, their ethical use, regulations regarding their use, etc., etc., will present and discuss at the most important points for years of the most important points for years dealing with this subject for years.
The role of digitalization in energy and fuel production
Digital energy management in energy cooperatives
Hydrogen production for transport and processing industries
Local energy communities - structuring the production of heat, electricity and fuels
The role of digitalization in energy and fuel production
Jarosław Tworóg - Vice President of the Management Board, Kigeit
Paweł Pisarczyk - President of the Management Board, Atnde Industries
Robert Szlęzak - board advisor, Masovian ICT CLASTER
Contemporary energy problems are numerous - from its shortage and production costs, through its new types and sources, up to its centralization or its centralization. dispersion. In such a complicated system of technical and economic problems, and organizational, political and military nature, there is no doubt - without ICT technology progress in this key field of economy, whether we will not achieve this domestic or EU. How to do it - this is the question. This panel will bring attempts to answer.
The role of distributed energy - a challenge for the national energy mix
really in our country is difficult to separate the need to simultaneously conduct digital and energy transformation from each other and vice versa. The backwardness requires radical and rapid actions in both these fields - digitization, collection and processing of data, artificial intelligence need a certain and large resource of electricity, while the modernization of Polish energy, production, production, storage and transmission of energy from various sources without ICT technology will not do. Real square of the circle!
Challenges of digitalization of strategic production
Cybersecurity of equipment in critical infrastructure networks
Critical production technologies, materials and raw materials
Goals of digitization of production
The place of strategic production in the state security system
Maciej Szczęana - Group Chief Executive Officer, Apator
Sebastian Kwapisz - director of the Cybersecurity Office, Orlen
Janusz Sitek - Director, Łukasiewicz - Tele - and Radio Institute state infrastructure and its strategic production. This last concept is not only the demand for funds and strictly military products. The key raw materials are e.g. agricultural products, electricity, fuel, water, medicines, but also ICT technologies, investments in scientific research or cooperation in specific industries with proven foreign partners. And all this to secure the undisturbed functioning of the state and society even in the conditions of armed conflict.
A contemporary vision of Industry 4.0
Production data ecosystems are the answer to contemporary industry challenges
The path for industrial enterprises to participate in manufacturing data ecosystems
Rules and measures for building production data ecosystems
A contemporary vision of Industry 4.0: from the digital transformation of plants to data ecosystems
Andrzej Soldaty - Director, Industry Center 4.0 Silesian University of Technology
Jakub Kaczyński - Industrial Portfolio Director, Transition Technologies PSC
Przemysław Hałub - Manager program, GAIA -X European Association for Data and Cloud Aisbl
Fourth Industrial Revolution is happening and changes in our eyes. In Poland, it happens too slowly in many respects. Automation, robotization, internet things, big data, artificial intelligence and similar slogans are unfortunately too often only slogans and political spells, not the everyday life of Polish factories. And today we need not only many such single modern production plants, but their functioning as a dynamic, resistant to cybergration of an integrated ecosystem ensuring high efficiency, competitiveness in international markets and sustainable development!
Challenges of the telecommunications market
Rynek Telekomunikacji is a dynamic industry that must face many challenges, both globally and in Europe and also in Poland. The list of challenges is long - from technical issues, through legal regulations to purely business issues.
Directions of development of telecommunications networks from the regulator's perspective
the perspective of the regulator, whether European or national, focuses on balancing the development of technology, competition and consumer interests. What awaits the telecommunications market from the regulator's perspective?
Greater control over cybersecurity (NIS2, AI Act, regulations regarding clouds)
Faster development of the 5G/6G network while maintaining competition
Subsidies and EU programs supporting the development of infrastructure in poorer regions,
sustainable development and limitation of environmental impact.
DNA - a new chapter in telecommunications
DNA (Digital Networks ACT), which the European Commission plans to accept in Q4 2025, is to create cross -border capabilities network operation and service provision, increase industry competitiveness and improve frequency management coordination. What are the plans of the Commission and what will the relationship between this proposal will be with the European Code of Electronic Communications?
Telecommunications as the foundation of state security and resilience
Piotr Jaworski - member of the board for networks and technology, Orange Polska
Juraj Andras - Board Mmber, Chief Financial Officer, T -Mobile Polska
Michał Ziółkowski - Chief Technology Officer, P4
Wojciech Pytel - member of the Supervisory Board of Polkomtel, plus
Tomasz Kruk - President
Telecommunications is nowadays a spine of the state's critical infrastructure, and its role in security and immunity increases with digitization. Each crisis - whether it is war, cybernetic attack, natural disaster or pandemic - shows and verifies how key stable and safe networks are.
GIA implementation as the key to the future of telecommunications
the development of gigabit infrastructure is the foundation of a modern digital economy, enabling dynamic development of services based on fast and reliable access to the network. Gigabit Infrastructure Act (GIA) is a breakthrough regulation, which aims to accelerate the construction of new generation broadband networks, eliminate administrative barriers and increase the efficiency of investments in telecommunications infrastructure throughout the European Union.
The impact of existing legislation on the development of the telecommunications market: analysis and prospects
Michał Grammar - Secretary of State, Ministry of Digitization
Marta Wojciechowska - Chief Executive Officer, Fiberhost
Jan Pilewski - Director of the Public Affairs Department, Play
Wojciech Dzomdziora - Legal Advisor and General Counsel, Nexer
Andrzej Abramczuk - CEO, Netia
Marta Brzoza The director of regulatory cooperation, Orange Polska,
legal regulations play a key role in shaping the telecommunications market, affecting both operators and consumers. Wise legislation can accelerate the development of technology, and this worse introduce bureaucratic barriers that slow down innovations.
Market regulations and reality - summary of activities, current challenges and future directions
Jacek Oko - president, UKE
Tomasz Chróstny - president, UOKiK
conversation between the former and current president of UKE, there will certainly be sharp questions and substantive answers!
Certification in the field of cybersecurity
Nikola Bochyńska - editor -in -chief, Cyberdefence
Safety is a very capacious and multi -threaded slogan. But what would not concern, it requires agreed rules of conduct, the use of proven and newer technologies and competent institutions and people in such action. In macroskala, ensuring these key principles requires uniformity and transparency as well as community, which the foundation is or should be certification.
Balance of investments in network development: effects today, challenges of tomorrow from the perspective of the national broadband plan 2030
Marcin Łukasiewicz - Zastępca Dyrektora Departamentu Telekomunikacji, Ministerstwo Cyfryzacji
Magdalena Russyan - Członkini Zarządu, Światłowód Inwestycje
Janusz Górski - Manager Wholesale Unit, T-Mobile Polska
Łukasz Hetman - Członek Zarządu, Asta-NET
Wojciech Szajnar - Director, Centrum Polska Digital Polska
National Broadband Plan (NPS) is a strategic document defining the directions of network development in Poland until 2030. Its purpose is to provide widespread access to fast internet, 5G development and elimination of digital exclusion. A lot has been done, but especially in rural areas, progress is unsatisfactory.
Telecommunications market 2035 - challenges and expectations in the field of ICT infrastructure
Jarosław Paszkiewicz - Core Network Development Director, Orange Polska
Leszek Lis - Member of the Management Board, Celnex
in the perspective of 2035, the telecommunications market will be driven by artificial intelligence, 6G networks, development of the Internet of Things (development of the Internet ( IoT) and cybersecurity. ICT infrastructure will have to meet the gigantic increase in the demand for bandwidth, low delays and high reliability. All art in how to do it in a situation where the main challenges will be the high costs of investment, cyber threads and regulations regarding the protection of privacy.
Sources of financing obligations arising from the KSC: challenges and solutions
: Xawery Konarski - Vice President of the Management Board, PIIT
Marcin Wysocki - Deputy Director of the Cyber security Department, Ministry of Digitization
Bartłomiej Pejo - Chairman of the Sejm Commission for Digitization, Innovation and Modern Technologies, Sejm of the Republic of Poland
Jacek Szczepański
- Vice President Supervisory, vectra
duties arising from KSC are necessary, but expensive - operators must find a way to finance them. Where to get them? EU funds can help, but their availability for the private sector is limited. The state should support operators through tax breaks and public-private partnerships, but it has always been fragile with them so far. There are also new financing models such as leasing, bonds or targeted funds that can relieve companies.
Providing ICT communications in crisis situations – meaning, practice, challenges
Jan Krzysztof - Head of the Emergency Guard, TOPR
Waldemar Pawlak - Senator of the Republic of Poland, President of the Main Board of the Association of Volunteer Fire Brigades of the Republic of Poland
Krzysztof Bondaryk - Director
of the Security Department of the Ministry of Interior and Kłodzko poviat
in the era of a growing number of threats (from Pandemic crises, through natural disasters, to military threats), ensuring uninterrupted and safe communication is a key element of effective crisis management and maintaining the functioning of the economy, administration bodies and the whole society. How important is the ICT network, how do technologies support emergency services, public administration and society? What conditions should be met for the further development of telecommunications networks and services and how to strengthen the state's resistance in the field of communication. What to do when the infrastructure is damaged or overloaded or because of its lack in the so -called difficult terrain, range of services and connectivity are insufficient? The discussion will be a great opportunity to exchange practical experiences from the perspective of representatives of local governments, public administration and rescue units that care about the security of the country and the population on a daily basis.

How to unleash the potential of AI in the European Union to increase its competitiveness and resilience - investments, regulations, R&D expenditure, social concerns
Ewelina Jelenkowska -Luca - Deputy Director Policy Strategy & Outreach, DG Connect at European Commission
Agnieszka Jankowska - Director of Corporate and Public Affairs, T -Mobile Polska
Renata Paleń - Counsel, Department of Research and Innovation , Ministry of Digitization
Jarosław Ponder - Head of Office for Europe, ITU,
the potential effects of artificial intelligence applications are unimaginably large. But for now Europe, but also other players, face not an easier challenge at all - how to start the potential and start at all? From the point of view of a structure such as the European Union, this type of action requires a common and integrated approach. And this will be the first threshold to overcome, and how many next ones are still ahead of us? Their list is already long and not at all final: financing, technologies, regulations, company and national ambitions, infrastructure, social trust, etc.
The power of Open Source and quantum technologies in business and public administration
Anna Topol - Chief Technology Officer, IBM Research
Łukasz Wojewoda - Director of the Cyber security department, Ministry of Digitization
Krzysztof Kurowski - Deputy Director of ICHB PAS, Poznań SUPENcomputer and Network
Software Open Source has been accompanying us for years , while quantum technology in mass Applications are still ahead of us. But today we have to prepare for their nearby use in such mass areas as economy and public administration. And as always counting on the fact that we will get two basic benefits as a result: increase in efficiency and reduction of costs. What else?
European digital identity - Digital transformation and new opportunities for citizens and business
Rafał Sionkowski - Director of the COI Digital Channel Department, Central IT Center
since we have a European Union, a uniform European digital identity of its citizens is needed. And this is not about a classic paper document such as ID card or passport, but a digital tool that is the key to European citizens and entrepreneurs to use the entire European Digital Services Resources. Of course, such a tool must be a multifunctional and extremely safe, and at the same time relatively easy to use by all generations of European Union residents.
The impact of legislation on the future of the consumer electronics market - ecodesign
Ireneusz Cichocki - CEE & Nordics Head of Product & Technology - Telco Business Development Lead, Xiaomi
Ecodesign, i.e. the design of products taking into account their impact on the environment throughout the life cycle, becomes a key element of the strategy of many companies. This means, among others Impact of regulation on energy efficiency on design and production and even recycling of many products. Legislation regarding ecodesign and sustainable development has the potential to significantly affect the consumer electronics market. More details in the panel.
Poland as a technological investment hub
Moderator: Andrzej Dulka - president of the board, PiT
Łukasz Gwiazdowski - vice president, Paih
Jarosław Potasz - GVP Studios & Productions on TVN Warner Bros. Discovery
Polska has the potential to become an important hub of technological investments in Europe, which is favored by specific factors. These include, for example, educated and competitive staff, startup experiences, and culture of innovation. It is slightly worse with foreign investments and government support. Still, will we manage? What do you need to change or do differently than before?
Open finances, FIDA regulation (Financial Data Access)
Raphaël Lemahieu - Policy Officer, Financial Services at European Commission
Karol Mazurek - managing director, Accenture
Bartłomiej Nocoń - director, Director, the Polish Bank Association
proposed by the European Commission FIDA regulation (Regulation on Financial Data Access) concerns access to financial data, expanding the rules of open banking to financial services, including investment, credit and insurance services. It has a chance to become a milestone in the field of financial data exchange in EEA countries, entering into wide purposes related to the development of European innovations based on data, while ensuring strong consumer protection and competitiveness of the financial market.
Digital currencies as an element of the system. The MICA (Markets in Crypto Assets) Regulation in practice
thanks to President Trump, the digital currency market at the beginning of 2025 warmed up this topic and this market to red. But a little earlier, after years of expectations, we lived to see the European Union MICA (Markets in Crypto Assets) to regulate the digital assets market. What will result from the confrontation of activities on both sides of the Atlantic for us in Poland - this is the question addressed to our expert.
How to finance digitalization and the development of innovation in Poland
Piotr Kędra - Investment Director, PFR Ventures
Prof. Jerzy Małachowski - director, National Center for Research and Development
Prof. Paweł Wojciechowski - Institute of Public Finance
Creating Economic Strategy for the Development of the Country is never easy. But when we get in the case of the present Poland to convince at least two necessary transformations to modernize our country - energy and digitization, this will also be an equally difficult question - how to finance their implementation. Experience and learning to economics and the practice of the European Union indicate many possibilities. But which of them are actually real, optimal, easy or difficult to access, public, private?
Implementation of DSA and AI in the media - responsibility for content
Prof. Tadeusz Kowalski - member of the National Broadcasting Council
Mateusz Sztobryn - deputy director of the Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Digitization
Małgorzata Kilian -Grzegorczyk - President, Demagog
Krzysztof Izdebski - board member, Batory Foundation
Dariusz Dąbski - President of the Management Board, TV Puls
Responsibility for the content transmitted by the media is not a new problem. On the other hand, there are new experiences in this area, a new context of events, e.g. regarding election campaigns, and thus the legal regulations regarding this topic or new proposed changes in this area are new. The concept of responsibility is the key, but the practice in this area brings the power of solutions. The problem gets complicated when we add artificial intelligence to the present experience ...
Prospects of the "The Game Industry of Poland" sector 2030
Marek Czerniak - Co -Founder, Board Member, Foundation India Games
Maciej Wróbel - Secretary of State, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
Aleksandra Szymańska - director of the Creative Industry Development Center
Paweł Miechowski - 11 bit studios
in the light The prospect of its development is very optimistic. But as in every industry, success in the next few years is not guaranteed. For this to happen, he must "play" several factors - there are 8 of them. Among them is, among others Expected demand for games, further technological innovations, the scale of support for young creators or the diversity of business models. Is that enough?
European availability act - regulation or impulse for innovation? How can Polish companies use new regulations as a competitive advantage?
Monika Sikora - Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy
National Action Plan for the Digital Decade as an element of the Digitalization Strategy until 2035
Katarzyna Bis -Płaza - director of the Project and Strategy Department, Ministry of Digitization
Ignacy Święcicki - head of the Digital Economy Team, Polish Economic Institute
National Action Plan for Digital Decade is an important element of the current digitization strategy until 2035. The plan focuses on accelerating digitization in various sectors of the economy, from public administration through education, industry to health. To achieve this, it is necessary to develop digital infrastructure, i.e. broadband networks, digital competences, taking into account ecological and social aspects, etc. Each of these tasks is in itself very large and difficult, and even more so as a whole. Perhaps the most needed are social acceptance and money.
From innovation to market success - how to accelerate the commercialization of deeptech in Poland?
Jakub Jasiczak - President, COMMERCIAL COMPANY
COMMERCIALIZING DEEPTECH technology is a complex process that requires the involvement of various stakeholders, such as universities, research institutes, start -ups, investors and public institutions. In Poland, it is a particularly difficult process due to the negligible effects of business cooperation with science and vice versa. In this state of affairs, the very healing of these relationships, let alone, will be a challenge.
Well-being on the Internet - protection against harmful content, digital hygiene, addiction to social media
Małgorzata Kilian - Grzegorczyk - President, Demagog Association
Protection against harmful content, digital hygiene and against addiction to social media requires attention from both users and online platforms and educational institutions. As always, such action must be multi -directional - from media education, through the practices of healthy use to establish a policy of social platforms.
Effective use of public funds in IT. How can cooperation between administration and the private and scientific sectors increase market competitiveness and innovation?
Oskar Pawłowski - vice president, Energa Operator
Paweł Wrona - Chief Financial Officer, Billennium
from the practice of past years we know numerous examples of use of public funds in IT for only Pijar and political goals, without the assumed substantive effect, e.g. an increase in computer competences of students, or IT systems evidently failed. Can public-legal partnership improve this condition? Or regulations and standards, or maybe only more competent project management?
Solid cloud technology The basis of European data spaces
Maciej Kuźniar - Chief Operating Officer, Oktawave
Ulrich Ahle - Chief Executive Officer, Gaia -X,
although the topic AI dominated many discussions, successes in data and European cloud are still crucial for the development of innovation, increasing competitiveness and ensuring data in Europe. And initiatives such as GAIA-X, which are aimed at creating a European cloud of computing, allow the development of infrastructure enabling safe storage and processing of data. Projects aimed at reducing energy consumption and cloud resources, such as Green Cloud Computing, are also important.
Technology and science – common challenges. Readiness of public organizations for the AI revolution
Joanna Jaworek - Korjakowska - director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence Excellence, AGH University of Science and Technology
Bartosz Świderski - President of the Board, Cracow International School
AI revolutions AI poses a number of challenges that require both technological and organizational adaptation. AI technologies have the potential to significantly improve the efficiency of public services, but their implementation is associated with various difficulties. To overcome them, you need to start with education, so that through the development of infrastructure, data management, the memory of ethics to reach appropriate regulations and effective cooperation between the private sector and research institutions.
AI policy - new opening from 2025
Joanna Szczegielniak - AI expert, Leader of the GRAI section for updating the artificial intelligence development policy at the Ministry of Digitization,
in practice, we observe the search for in many countries ways to develop AI technology and its most effective use in them. social and economic life. The key to balance innovation with responsibility, ethics and protection of citizens' rights will be. As we do in Poland - you will listen to the answers in the panel.
Using the potential of Polish science to develop innovation and digitization of the economy and the public sector
Adam Kola - Vice -Rector for Science, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
Rafał Rosiński - Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Digitization of the Republic of Poland
EU digital program Europe - implemented and planned investments
Milena Karpińska - head of the department, national contact point for the digital Europe program, CPPC
Common priorities for the development of the ICT market
Stefan Kamiński - President of the National Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications
Andrzej Dulka - President of the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Bogdan Łaga - President of the Polish Chamber of Electronic Communications
Piotr Mieczkowski - Managing Director, Digital Poland Foundation
Jolanta Jaworska - President of the Board of the Union of Employers of Digital Technology Leviathan
key panel of this year's Time Economic Forum. The development of the ICT market (information and communication technologies) is a condition for innovation, competitiveness and economic growth in every country. Common priorities for the development of this market may include various aspects that support both the public and private sectors. These priorities in our country, discussed during the forum, in this final panel we will present in a comprehensive manner, preceding its written summary.
Opening the stage
How does business gain thanks to availability?
Polish act about availability up close. What does the new law bring to companies? Presentation of the authors of the Act.
Availability of the market for the market regulator
Łukasz Iwancio - head of the Department for Complaints, PFRON
Dominik Kołtunowicz - Director of the Department of Control, Electronic Communications Office
Anna Huzarska - Head of Department of Digital Availability, Digital Competence Development Center
Q&A, discussion with the audience
Invisible clients - a chance for business
Companies in the face of new challenges - needs, support
Bogdan Kościuch - Director of the Department of Personnel Development in enterprises, Polish Entrepreneurship Agency
Magdalena Nowosadzka - Director of the Cooperation Office with financing partners, Department of European Programs, Bank of the National Farm
Edyta Zduńska -Leseux - assistant professor, Warsaw School of Economics
Łukasz Klimek - Project Manager, Project Management Department, DGA SA
Q&A, discussion with the audience
Discussion tables on the Polish availability act
Table 2-Market supervision (PFRON, UKE, MC)
Table 3-Training and Education (PARP)
Table 4-Loan instrument (BGK)
Table 5-Business-Nego's Cooperation (Avalon Foundation)
Strategies to fight disinformation in Europe - regulations and policies
Financing digital regulation: Challenges and solutions for national regulators in the era of AI and DSA
Networking Evening
Place: Restaurant Stixx Bar & Grill More

Wojciechowski Paweł
Institute of Public Finance
Prof. Paweł Wojciechowski is an economist with academic, business and ...

Gutowski Michał
Director of the application office in the area of digital transformation and computer science in ...

Świecicki Ignacy
Polish Economic Institute
From 2019, the head of the Digital Economy Team at the Polish Institute ...

AI expert, Leader of the GRAI section for updating the artificial intelligence development policy at the Ministry of Digitization
Leader of the GRAI section for updating the artificial intelligence development policy at ...

Topol Anna
IBM Research
Dr. Topol is the Cto of IBM Research and A ...

Andras Juraj
T-Mobile Poland
Member of the Management Board, Financial Director of ENG: Board Member, Chief Financial ...

Butrym Anna

Szczuka-Kalenský Helena
Avalon Foundation
Manager of the Avalon Communication and Promotion Department, one of the largest Polish ...

Potasz Jarosław
TVN Warner Bros. Discovery
GVP Studios & Productions on TVN Warner Bros. Discovery

Sikora Monika
Monika Sikora received a nomination for the position on January 4, 2024 ...

Dąbski Dariusz
Puls TV
Dariusz Dąbski has been associated with the Puls Television project since 2006 ...

Jaworek - Korjakowska Joanna
AGH University of Science and Technology
Prof. AGH, director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence Perfection of the AGH University of Science and Technology in ...

Wrona Paweł
Chief Financial Officer, Billennium

Pawłowski Oskar
Energa Operator
He has extensive experience in the field of company law, energy law, investment banking ...

Olejnik Sławomir
Deep Teee & Innovative Poland Foundation
President of the Management Board of the Poland Innovative Foundation, which has been announcing for 11 years ...

Lemahieu Raphael
Financial Services at European Commission
Is a policy officer in digital finance in dg fismma ...

Nocoń Bartłomiej
Association of Polish Banks
Director, Association of Polish Banks in Warsaw Member of the European Council Board ...

Herman Przemysław
Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy
Deputy Director of the EFS Department at the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy ....

Iwancio Łukasz
Head of the Department of Complaints of the Department of Availability in PFRON ....

Świderski Bartosz
Cracow International School
President of the Management Board, Cracow International School

Huzarska Anna
Head of the Digital Availability Department, Digital Competence Development Center
Expert in the field of digital availability and market regulations from over ...

Kilian Małgorzata
Founder and president of the Demagog Association, the first watchtower in Poland ...

Zwoliński Kuba
Founder and longtime president of the Snowdog Technology Company. Currently, as CXO ...

Zduńska-Leseux Edyta
Researcher and academic teacher at the Warsaw School of Economics ....

Klimek Łukasz
Project Director with the Poznań Stock Exchange Company DGA SA bound from ...

Jackowski Michał
Executive MBA at ESCP Europe, Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Law ...

Marszałkowski Jakub
Indie Games Foundation
-Co-Founder, Board Member, India Games Foundation

Wróbel Maciej
Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
Director of the COI Digital Channel Department

Sionkowski Rafał
Central Information Technology Center
Director of the Department of Digital Channels COI The Expert is associated with the sector ...

Kurowski Krzysztof
Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center
- Deputy Director of ICHB PAS,

Wojewoda Łukasz
Ministry of Digitization
A graduate of the Military University of Technology Jarosław Dąbrowski in Warsaw about ...

Tejchman Marek
Dziennik Gazeta Prawna
- deputy editor -in -chief, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Krzysztof Jan
- Head of the Emergency Guard, TOPR

Żurański Tomasz
- member of the supervisory board, Vectra

Szczepański Jacek
- Vice President of the Management Board, Atnde

Pejo Bartłomiej
Sejm of the Republic of Poland
- Chairman of the parliamentary commission of digitization, innovation and modern technologies, the Sejm ...

Marcin Wysocki
Ministry of Digitization
- Deputy Director of the Cybersecurity Department,

Lis Leszek
- Member of the Management Board for Operational,

Paszkiewicz Jarosław
Orange Poland
Jarosław Paszkiewicz Director of the development of the core network in Orange Polska. Involved...

Kuriata Piotr
Telecommunications Engineers Association
President of the Management Board, Association of Telecommunications Engineers

Szajnar Wojciech
Digital Poland Project Center
Director, Project Center Polska Digital

Łukasz Hetman
Member of the Board for EU projects,

Górski Janusz
T-Mobile Poland
Janusz Górski - manager of Wholesale Unit,

Łukasiewicz Marcin
Ministry of Digitization
- Deputy Director of the Telecommunications Department, Ministry of Digitization

Bochyńska Nikola
Editor -in -chief of Cyberdefence24.pl, interested in the influence of new technologies on social changes ...

Nielek Radosław
Engineer, doctor of technical sciences in the discipline of computer science, professor in the cathedral ...

Chróstny Tomasz
The President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection graduated from finance and accounting ...

Brzoza Marta
Marta Brzoza - director of regulatory cooperation,

Abramczuk Andrzej
President of the Management Board, Netia SA

Zakrzewska Małgorzata
- Director of the Corporate Affairs Division, Excom member, Play

Wojciechowska Marta
Wojciechowska - Chief Executive Officer, Fiberhost

Gramatyka Michał
Ministry of Digitization
Legal advisor, social worker, longtime local government official, MP of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland and ...

Dec Łukasz
- leading editor, Telko.in

Ziółkowski Michał
- Chief Technology Officer, P4

Jaworski Piotr
Orange Poland
Member of the Management Board, Orange Polska

Piecuch Ireneusz
DGTL office
Irek is one of the two co -founders of the DGTL office. As an older ...

Oko Jacek
On September 18, 2020, appointed by the Sejm of the Republic of Poland as president ...

Jankowska Agnieszka
Ministry of Digitization
Dr. Agnieszka Jankowska has been the vice president for almost two years ...

Kowalski Jarosław
Director for the implementation of digital products in the Publishing Group Infor PL ...

Opielewicz Karolina
- member of the board, KIG

Pisarczyk Paweł
President of the Management Board at ATENDE Software and Phoenix System. Laureate...

Kwapisz Sebastian
Director of the Cyber security department in Orlen, responsible for shaping and implementing ...

Kaczyński Jakub
Transition Technologies PSC
Industrial Portfolio Director, Transition Technologies PSC

Wyczesany Maciej
Group Chief Executive Officer,

Niedziałek Jan

Sienkiewicz Grzegorz
Department of Crisis, Security and Health Policy, Kłodzko Eldership
Grzegorz Sienkiewicz - director of the Department of Crisis Management, Security and Politics ...

Streżyńska Anna
Lawyer, expert in the field of digitization and regulation. In 2015-2018 ...

Magdalena Russyan
Światłowód Inwestycje

Karpińska Milena
He manages the national contact point for the digital Europe program, operating in ...

Kosman Krzysztof
My experience is over 15 years of work at every stage ...

Pawlak Waldemar
Volunteer Fire Brigade
Senator of the 11th term. Member of the Sejm X, I, II, III, ...

Kopijkowski-Gożuch Artur
Polish electricity networks
Director of the National Center for Energy Analysis, Polish electricity networks SA manager, ...

Chlebicki Marek
PwC Poland
Partner, PwC Polska Marek is a manager with over 18 years of experience ....

Tworóg Jarosław
Vice President of the Management Board,

Mieczkowski Piotr
Digital Poland Foundation

Kamiński Stefan
President of the National Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications

Gawkowski Krzysztof
Minister of Digitization
Vice President of the Council of Ministers - Minister of Digitization, born on 1980. A politician ...

Duch Włodzisław
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
He is a full professor, head of a neurocognitive laboratory at the interdisciplinary modern center ...

Boni Michał
Digital Poland Foundation
Doctor of the Humanities (1986), assistant professor at the University of Warsaw ((1977-1989). Underground activist ...

PõLD Doris
ITL Estonia

Szubert Krzysztof
University of Oxford, Advisor, United Nations

Bigaj Magdalena
Digital Citizenship Institute
Creator and president of the "Institute of Cycling Citizenship" Foundation. Media expert, researcher and ...

Piech Krzysztof
Lazarski University
Professor of the Lazarski University and director of its blockchain technology center. Doctor...

Rogalski Maciej
Lazarski University
Prof. called dr hab. Maciej Rogalski, lecturer and rector of the university ...

Konarski Xawery
He is an advocate, a legal expert with over 20 years of experience in the field ...

Bondaryk Krzysztof
Of the Ministry of Interior and Administration
Currently, the director of the Ministry of Interior and Administration, the Minister's Plenipotentiary for Safe System ...

Świątkowska Joanna
European Cybersecurity Organization
Deputy Secretary General at ECSO (European Cybersecurity Organization), the greatest ...

Soldaty Andrzej
Industry Center 4.0 Silesian University of Technology
Director of the Industry Center 4.0 Silesian University of Technology from 2021 manages the center ...

Hałub Przemysław
Gaia-X European Association for Data and Cloud Aisbl
Program and Project Manager with many years of experience in project management ...

Szlęzak Robert
Masovian ICT cluster
by profession: Electronics, Telekomutant, Energetyk, Manager. Entrepreneur, animator of international cooperation, ...

Woźny Jakub
Kancelaria Prawna Media
President of the Management Board, Partner, Legal Advisor, KPM Lawyers and Legal Advisers ...

Kędra Piotr
PFR Ventures
He manages in PFR Ventures two programs with funds in the amount of ...

Lytvyn Andrzej
IT Ukraine Association
Chief Business Development Officer in the IT Ukraine Association specializes ...

Dulka Andrzej

Kloc Kamila
DG Connect
Dr Kamila Kloc Joined The European Commission in DeCEKE 2004 ....

KRUK Tomasz
President of the Management Board of Exatel SA (from July 2024). In the years 2021-2024 ...

Sitek Janusz
Łukasiewicz - Tele - and radio engineering
A graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Mechatronics. Associated with the Tele- and ...

Kołodziejczyk Krzysztof
Krzysztof Kołodziejczyk is a graduate of basic problems of the technique of the Lodz University of Technology. IN...

Wróblewski Dawid
Digital ID
Dawid Wróblewski Digital ID Product Manager in Samsung, where he concentrates ...

Ponder Jaroslaw
Wojciechowski Paweł
Position: Institute of Public Finance
Prof. Paweł Wojciechowski is an economist with academic, business and government experience. In the years 2006-2020 he was the Minister of Finance, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, the President of the Polish Foreign Investment Agency, the ambassador at OECD and the Chief Economist of the Social Insurance Institution.
In the years 1999–2005 he was the president of PTE Allianz Polska, previously he was the president of two other financial market companies and the director of the Polish Bank of Development.
At various periods of his career he had the opportunity to lecture at American and Polish universities, including Harvard Kennedy School, John Carroll University and Leon Koźmiński Academy.
He graduated from economy at John Carroll University, doctoral studies at the Case Western Reserve University and a doctorate at the Institute of System Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Currently, he divides his time between various activities. For several years, he has been the director at the London consulting company Whiteshield Partners, European coordinator of the Ren-Alpa (EU) transport corridor and a university professor at the Polish University in Warsaw. Last year, he joined the Poland 2050 movement as the main economic advisor of Szymon Hołownia.
Gutowski Michał
Position: Orlen
Director of the application office in the area of digital transformation and computer science at Orlen SA, responsible for the development and implementation of advanced application solutions in one of the largest companies in Central and Eastern Europe. He has a rich, international experience in IT project management, gained in both global technological corporations (Oracle, Citrix, Huawei) and in dynamic startups (Bytemobile).
An expert in the implementation of innovative technologies and technical team management in the EMEA region. An experienced manager with practical knowledge in the area of sales and business development. He willingly shares his knowledge and experience as a speaker at prestigious industry conferences.
He has experience gained while working in Sweden, Iceland and Romania.
Świecicki Ignacy
Position: Polish Economic Institute
From 2019, the head of the Digital Economy Team at the Polish Economic Institute, author of reports, Policy Papers and other studies on topics related to telecommunications, robotization and EU digitization strategies. Previously, he worked at the Ministry of Digitization, where he dealt with European regulations in the area of telecommunications, including relations between OTT suppliers and telecommunications operators and international roaming. He also took part in the development of assessments of the effects of regulation to new legal acts and guidelines to assess the impact on the government legislative process. He gained analytical experience at the Think Tank Demoseuropa - the Center for the European Strategy. His research interests are economic effects of legal regulations, platform economy and digital policies in the European Union
Position: AI expert, Leader of the GRAI section for updating the artificial intelligence development policy at the Ministry of Digitization
Leader of the GRAI section for updating the artificial intelligence development policy at the Ministry of Digitization
The creator of innovative artificial intelligence solutions in combination with the latest achievements of neuronauks. Expert and trainer in the area of practical application of artificial intelligence and neuromarketing for business and public sector. President of Open Your Mind Lab Sp. Z o. O. A member of the Polish Committee for the Artificial Intelligence. A graduate of Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA), Neuroleadership Academy ™ and Artificial Intelligence & Digital Transformation for Executive.
By profession - a biophysicist, from experience - a strategist, advisor and marketer with over 20 years of experience. He specializes in developing and implementing business and marketing strategies for companies and public institutions. He advises on the identification of opportunities and development of business, communication management and in planning and implementation of business projects in the area of artificial intelligence. She worked in corporate and marketing communication departments: PWC Polska Sp. Z o. O. And Bayer Sp. Z o. O. Has implemented over 250 marketing and business projects for companies and foreign corporations from the FMCG, health, pharmacy, environmental protection and energy sector.
Topol Anna
Position: IBM Research
Dr. Topol is the cto of iBm research and a distinguished engineer. She is responsible for the IBM Research Global Client Experience Organization, Which Focuses on Engagement Management of Strategic Alliances and Operations of IBM Research Think Labs. She received an ibm master inventor title and has 95 patents. She is a member of the technical oversight committee (TOC) in the IBM Open Innovation Community. She is also a prolific technical author (> 100 technical publications, 3 Book Chapters, and Over 6.7K Citations). In 2015, She Received the "Most Frequently Cited Paper Award Between 2001-2014" by Symposium on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Technology. Dr. Topol Possesses a Wealth of Experience STEMMming from 25+ Years in Research and Business Alliance Teams, Working with IBM's Clients, Business Partners, Software Vendors, and Universities. Her Previous Positions Include Industry Cto in IBM Systems Group, Director for Intellectual Property Management in IBM Corporate Headquarters (CHQ) Organization, and Principal Investigator of Fundamental Technology Development for Cmos in Ibm Research. Dr. Topol is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), A senior member of the institute of electrical and electronics engineers (IEEE), and a recipient of the 2021 Society of Women Engineers at Local Engaged Advocate. She was highlight in the 2019, 2021, and 2023 Strong Women in It Reports. She has served on an industry Advisory Board (IAB) for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Since May 2022.
Andras Juraj
Position: T-Mobile Polska
Member of the Management Board, Financial Director
of Eng: Board Member, Chief Financial Officer
Butrym Anna
Position: leader
OF THE HEADERS with many years of experience, covering over half a thousand various projects, including more than a hundred in a foreign language: English and Hungarian. Moderator of discussion panels, so far in this role to almost hundreds of projects, as well as a translator with rich achievements; He feels free not only on the big stage, but also in front of the camera and in the recording studio - she was already fulfilled as a television presenter, vlogger and teacher. She is also an experienced business trainer, acting both in a demanding banking environment/AML and in the part of media training.
In its portfolio she has projects implemented for over 300 prominent companies and institutions - its clients include The largest global corporations, strong Polish brands, ministries and government agencies, embassies, international organizations and academic centers. The achievements have events conducted throughout Poland and abroad, as well as global stream events. The clients entrust her with the conduct, moderation and translation of prestigious projects in a wide thematic fan, appreciating careful preparation and adaptation of the style of the host for each type of event.
He divides his detailed professional portfolio at www.annabutrym.pl.
Szczuka-Kalenský Helena
Position: Avalon Foundation
Manager of the Avalon Communication and Promotion Department, one of the largest Polish non -governmental organizations working for people with disabilities and chronically ill. Responsible for the communication of the activities of the Avalon Foundation - both those addressed to its direct beneficiaries and those focused on changing the perception of disability in Polish society. Currently conducts the campaign of the Era of availability focusing on issues of availability and inclusion. He runs the podcast of the Avalon #Foundation just just.
Potasz Jarosław
Position: TVN Warner Bros. Discovery
GVP Studios & Productions on TVN Warner Bros. Discovery
Sikora Monika
Position: MFPiR
Monika Sikora received a nomination for the position of Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy on January 4, 2024.
In the years 2019-2023 she was an adviser at the European Parliament in Brussels and Strasbourg, where she dealt with the work of the budget committee, employment and social affairs, as well as the Commission for Women's Rights and Equality. In 2022, she was awarded the title of the best accredited assistant in the European Parliament.
In 2017-2018 she worked at the press department at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in London. In the years 2013-2017 she worked at the Landmark Public Affairs consulting company in Brussels.
In the years 2021–2023 she was a member of the board of the Institute of Democratic Thought Foundation.
In the years 2022-2023 she represented Poland as part of the Marshall Memorial Fellowship leaders development program organized by German Marshall Fund of the United States.
A graduate of London School of Economics, the European College in Brugia and the Foreign Policy Study of Scriptures.
He speaks English, French and Spanish. He comes from Katowice.
Dąbski Dariusz
Position: Puls TV
Dariusz Dąbski has been associated with the Puls Television project since 2006, initially as a partner News Corporation (currently Fox Corporation) and chairman of the Supervisory Board. In 2008 he became the president of the Puls Television Board.
After taking the position of the president of the station, he conducted deep restructuring of Puls TV, changed the program strategy, introduced TV Puls to the digital multiplex, opened a new nationwide universal channel - Puls 2, increased viewership of 0.4 percent channels broadcast by the station. in 2006 to 6.4 percent in 2021. In 2013, 2014 and 2015, the Puls TV Puls channel broadcast by television received 3 telecamers "Tele Tygodnia" (in the categories: "Lifestyle Channel", for "a huge increase in viewership and joining the Friday of the largest television channels in Poland" and for "The most family television channel on the market"), and in 2016 - the most important in the industry the golden telecamera for outs television achievements. Telekamera "Tele Tygodnia" 2018, 2019 and 2020 and Golden Telekamera also received the TV series Puls "Lombard. Life against pledge. " Today, Puls TV is the third largest commercial station in Poland.
He started his professional career in the United States. After returning to Poland, he held high positions in key companies of the IT, telecommunications, internet and fuel industries. He was, among others President of Optimus SA, Fujitsu Siemens Computers, Netia Telecom, TDC Internet, AC & G, Entertainment Systems Poland. He also presided over the supervisory board of PKN Orlen, Optimus Lockheed Martin and Onet.pl.
He is a former competitive athlete in the judo discipline and the model of the World Elite agency. Work is his passion, but he values the time spent with his family the most. His wife, Erin Dąbska, is the president of the TV Puls Foundation "Pod Dębem", helping seniors.
Jaworek - Korjakowska Joanna
Position: AGH University of Science and Technology
Prof. AGH, director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence Perfection of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. Prof. Jaworek is the coordinator of the Artiq-Center of AI financed by the NCN and NCBR. He is an expert Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe (Claire), as well as a graduate of the TOP 500 Innovators program at the Stanford University in the USA. Coordinated domestic (NCN, NCBiR) and international research projects in EPSRC, Fast Healthcare Network Plus, Daad, National Institutes of Health and Nave Spinaker, Nawa Bekker. Prof. Jaworek received a scholarship of NAWA BKKER FELLOWHIP to implement scientific research at Stanford University, CA, USA. Her main research interests focus on artificial intelligence, in particular deep learning areas, anomalies detecting, clustering and interpretability and explanation of solutions. J. Jaworek was awarded the Honorable Mention Award during the CVPR'19 (Isic Workshop) conference, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education scholarship for outstanding young scientists 2017-2020 and the individual AGH rector award for the best publishing scientists 2017-2023.
Pawłowski Oskar
Position: Energa Operator
He has extensive experience in the field of company law, energy law, investment banking and corporate finances. He has over twenty years of work experience, during which he gained skills in building the value of companies and comprehensive strategic consulting. Experience in the area of company law and investment banking allows him to efficiently navigate in complex transactions and identify opportunities to create values. He successfully completed transactions exceeding $ 300 million, working with such energy giants as Exxon Mobil and Centrica PLC. His competences include, among others Corporate Finance, enterprise strategy, contract negotiations and dispute resolution. He is a graduate of prestigious universities, where he gained a solid education in both the law and finances, which are the foundation of a strategic approach to management and corporate decisions. In his work, he puts emphasis on the integration of the rigorous corporate order RAM, which translates into transparency, responsibility and sustainable development of the company.
Olejnik Sławomir
Position: Deep Tech Cee & Innovative Poland Foundation
President of the Management Board of the Poland Innovative Foundation, which has been announcing business cooperation, investors, startups and science for 11 years, and implements projects for the development of the Deep Tech ecosystem in Poland and the region of Central and Eastern Europe. In the years 2019-2020 a member of the Podkarpackie Innovation project management team, which aimed to create a regional technology transfer center together with Podkarpackie universities. The originator of Deep Tee CEE Summit & Challenge and representative of Hello Tomorrow in the CEE region.
Lemahieu Raphael
Position: Financial Services at European Commission
IS A Policy Officer in Digital Finance in Dg Fismma in the European Commission. Raphael Works on the Legislative Negotiations on the Proposed Regulation For A Framework on Financial Data Access (FIDA) as Well as the Proposed Regulation on the Establishment of the Digital Euro. Prior to the European Commission, He Worked in the European Parliament as an adviser to the chairman of the internal market and consumer protection (IMCO) committee.
Nocoń Bartłomiej
Position: Polish Bank Association
Director, Association of Polish Banks in Warsaw
Member of the Board of the European Payment Council (EPC) in Brussels
A graduate of the Academy of Economics in Krakow (foreign trade direction), scholarship holder Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki. He has been associated with the area of digital banking and financial management in remote channels for over 20 years. In the years 2007-2018 at Bank Pekao SA as a managing director he was responsible for the implementation of the digital service strategy of retail clients and SMEs. In the years 2003–2007, the Operational Director of the E-Bank at BPH SA in 2010-2018 was a member and vice-chairman of the supervisory board of the second largest banking Contact Center in Poland- Direct Banking Center sp. Z oo in Krakow.
In 2020, Bartłomiej Nocoń joined the Polish Bank Association as managing areas of payment systems and electronic banking. From January 2021. He sits on the board of the European Payment Council (EPC) in Brussels.
The originator and co -author of a number of bank innovations, which have significantly influenced the development of the payment system and digital banking in the last several years in Poland.
Bartłomiej Nocoń also serves as a member of boards: Electronic Banking Council, Council of Bank Card Publishers, Committee of Settlement Agents, Forum of Banking Technology, Committee of Payment Services and SEPA and the Polish Committee of SW Users
Herman Przemysław
Position: Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy
Deputy Director of the EFS Department at the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy. A graduate of the University of Warsaw, with a diploma in the field of political and social sciences. Since 2005, he has been participating in the implementation of operational programs financed from the European Social Fund (EFS). Coordinates the ESF evaluation and evaluation system in Poland, cooperates with international, government and local government institutions in the field of assessing the effectiveness of public policies. Co -author of the Availability Plus program and the Act on ensuring availability to people with special needs. Coordinates the implementation of the program and the Act and the issue of counteracting discrimination in cohesion policy funds in Poland.
Deputy Director of the Esf Department at the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy in Poland. A graduate of the university of Warsaw, with a degree in sciences and social studies. Since 2005 Engaged in European Social Fund (ESF) Programmes Implementation, Focusing on Evaluation, Impact Assessment, Analysis, Social Services, Accessibility and Anti-Discrimination Principles. Co-Author and Coordinator of the Governmental Accessibility Plus Program and the Act on Providing Accessibility for the People with a Special Needs .
Iwancio Łukasz
Position: PFRON
Head of the Department of Complaints of the Department of Availability in PFRON. Coordinates preparations for the implementation of market supervision tasks in the field of availability of products and services under the Polish availability act. He supervises and coordinates the service of complaints about the lack of availability of public entities receiving the President of the Management Board of PFRON. Earlier, as an employee of the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy, he participated in the development of strategies for people with disabilities for 2021-2030.
In addition to knowledge of the availability area, he also has several years of experience in cooperation with local governments and private entities in creating analyzes and enforcement studies for the needs of infrastructure investments.
Świderski Bartosz
Position: Cracow International School
President of the Management Board, Cracow International School
Huzarska Anna
Position: Head of the Digital Availability Department, Digital Competence Development Center
Expert in the field of digital availability and market regulations
She has been associated with public administration for over two decades, specializing in regulatory issues, control and digital availability. Currently, the head of the Department at the Digital Competence Development Center of the Ministry of Digitization, where he manages strategic issues related to digital availability, including the project "System education of specialists and specialists in digital availability" .
The area of her work includes, among others:
- Implementation of the provisions arising from the Act on the availability of digital websites and mobile applications of public entities and the Act on ensuring that the requirements of availability by business entities.
- Coordinating legislative activities and giving opinions on legal acts in the field of availability
- Preparation of projects financed from domestic and EU funds, supporting the development of availability in Poland.
- Cooperation with domestic and international institutions in the field of availability and digital regulations.
Kilian Małgorzata
Position: Demagog
Founder and president of the Demagog Association, the first watchcking guard organization in Poland. She is an expert in the field of fighting disinformation and development of fact-checking in Poland. He has extensive experience in team management of nearly 40 employees and volunteers who verify false information every day and implement projects promoting reliable information in public debate.
Małgorzata also specializes in designing and implementing effective strategies for preventing disinformation, building relationships with external partners, and creating innovative solutions in the approach to fact-checking in Poland.
Zwoliński Kuba
Position: snowdog
Founder and longtime president of the Snowdog Technology Company. Currently, as the CXO of the American Ironplane Snowdog group, it develops innovative solutions that change the way companies and users interact with technology. Thanks to almost 20 years of experience in the ECOMmerce area and digital availability, he believes that digital availability is not only a matter of compliance with standards, but a fundamental element of building positive experiences and increasing customer involvement.
From 2022, he was also involved in the area of green energy and hydrogen management. As the founder and currently the president of MH.Energy, he strives to implement solutions that benefit both users and our planet.
Zduńska-Leseux Edyta
Position: SGH
A researcher and academic teacher at the Warsaw School of Economics. He specializes in research in the area of availability, sustainable development, entrepreneurship and innovation. Author of scientific publications: monographs, chapters, scientific articles. The publication entitled "Implementing the requirements of the availability of products and services by economic entities".
Ambassador of availability at SGH. Chairwoman of the Council and a member of the Working Team for the participation of people with special needs in the research activities as part of the Inclusive SGH "in SGH" project. Participant of work on the SGH availability strategy and other regulations in the field of availability at the university.
Lecturer in issues related to availability, entrepreneurship and innovation. Author and lecturer at the subject of availability as a strategy of a balanced company as well as author and head of postgraduate studies in business availability.
Social activist for the protection of the rights and interests of people with disabilities. A member of the Council of the Polish Blind and visually impaired Foundation, a member of the board and a leader of the Vision area at LC Warszawa Host, chairwoman of the Program Council and the Team of Experts for Continuing Professional Development of People with Sight Disabilities in CMKP, Plenipotentiary of the Management Board of the National Section of Blind Massengers and Physiotherapists for inclusion, education and professional development of people sight disability.
Klimek Łukasz
Position: DGA
Project Director
with the Poznań Stock Stock Stock Company SA since 2017. An expert with several years of experience in the field of projects financing, business consulting, acceleration and incubation. Creator and coordinator of several dozen advisory and training projects. Supports companies and entrepreneurs in adapting to the new regulations arising from the EAA Directive, which will enter into force until June 28, 2025. As part of the incubation and acceleration processes implemented by DGA SA, he participates as an expert in the assessment of innovative ideas and products. He works with startups and large international companies. An expert in the field of social innovation devoted to the support of people with special needs and people with disabilities.
Jackowski Michał
Position: itcorner
Executive MBA at ESCP Europe, Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Cambridge, leader of international cooperation in the working group AI at the Ministry of Digitization, a member of the plenary group developing the LLM Practice Code for EU AI Office, professor of law (SWPS University), lawyer and tax advisor with more than 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur. Advisor and representative of the technology industry in difficult legislative processes. Co-founder of DSK Kancelaria-a law and tax office specializing in consulting for the IT sector (+100 people) and co-founder of the innovative startups of Anylawer and Lexdigital. Arbitrator of an arbitral court at the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications. Advisor and representative of the technology industry in difficult legislative processes. Author of several books and numerous scientific publications in the field of law. Propagator of knowledge at the interface of law and AI - leads to the podcast monday Bagel, in which he regularly publishes interviews with scientists, law practices and AI experts. Privately - a marathon runner and a skier, likes to read books - especially about digital transformation in the future, the history of the Middle Ages and Asian culture.
Marszałkowski Jakub
Position: India Games Foundation
-Co-Founder, Board Member, India Games Foundation
Wróbel Maciej
Position: Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
Director of the COI Digital Channel Department
Sionkowski Rafał
Position: Central Information Technology Center
The director of the COI Digital Department of COI The expert is associated with the financial sector, where he played a key role in the process of digital transformation, introducing innovative solutions, such as proximity and mobile payments. He is the author of numerous projects that significantly influenced the financial services market in Poland. Currently, he is the Chief Product Owner in the Central Information Technology Center, where he manages the development of the MOBIATR app. It focuses on providing innovative solutions that increase the quality and availability of public services, while building expert teams and introducing modern technologies that realistically affect the comfort of citizens' lives. In his work, he puts emphasis on providing business value through advanced technologies.
Wojewoda Łukasz
Position: Ministry of Digitization
A graduate of the Military University of Technology Jarosław Dąbrowski in Warsaw with the direction of electronics and telecommunications as well as the Polish-Japanese Academy of Cyber security. An officer with many years of experience in the area of cybersecurity, communication and computer science, and in particular in the organization and conduct of ICT security support processes and ICT security tests. He actively participated in the design and implementation of ICT systems for the purposes of ensuring the required level of cyber security as well as in organizing and running Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI). He co -founded and managed the Security Operation Center (SOC) in the service of military counterintelligence. Representing the Ministry of National Defense, he co -founded the national cyber security system. Has, among others GIAC Information Security Professional certificate (GISP) and Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certificate.
Pejo Bartłomiej
Position: Sejm of the Republic of Poland
- Chairman of the Sejm Commission for Digitization, Innovation and Modern Technologies, the Sejm of the Republic of Poland
Marcin Wysocki
Position: Ministry of Digitization
- Deputy Director of the Cybersecurity Department,
Paszkiewicz Jarosław
Position: Orange Polska
Jarosław Paszkiewicz
Director of the spinal network development in Orange Polska.
He was involved in the development of telecommunications over the last 30 years, acting both from the perspective of suppliers of solutions and integrators (Motorola, Samsung, Ericsson) as well as from the perspective of operators - TP SA, PTK Centertel. Orange Polska.
Currently in Orange Polska is responsible for the strategy of evolution of the implementation of core systems of stationary and mobile networks (transport systems, Core IP, Core Głos and Data Mobile and service platforms).
Kuriata Piotr
Position: Telecommunications Engineers Association
President of the Management Board, Association of Telecommunications Engineers
Szajnar Wojciech
Position: Centrum Polska Digital Project Center
Director, Project Center Polska Digital
Łukasiewicz Marcin
Position: Ministry of Digitization
- Deputy Director of the Telecommunications Department, Ministry of Digitization
Bochyńska Nikola
Position: Cyberdefence
The editor -in -chief of Cyberdefence24.pl, interested in the influence of new technologies on social changes and the threats that the development of disinformation brings and the growing scale of popularity of fake news on the web. In his articles, he focuses on education in the context of an ongoing information war.
Nielek Radosław
Position: NASK
Engineer, doctor of technical sciences in the discipline of computer science, professor at the Department of Computer Networks and Distributed Systems of the Polish-Japanese Academy of Computer Techniques. A graduate of the Szczecin University of Technology, the Polish-Japanese Academy of Computer Techniques and Postgraduate Studies at the University of Warsaw. Author of about 100 scientific articles on artificial intelligence, reliability of information, machine learning, automatic analysis of texts and cyber security published in prestigious international magazines and conference materials. Permanent advisor to the Digitization, Innovation and Modern Technologies Committee of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland in 2012-2015 and 2020-2023. He was the director of R&D, technology architect and product manager responsible for the development of innovative products in technological startups (including Vooom sp. Z oo and Mudita sp. Z o. O.).
He served as the head of R&D research projects co -financed as part of a fast path and horizon 2020. He completed research internships at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and Technische Universitaet Berlin.
The main consultant and co -author of the "Strategy for the Information Society of the Silesian Voivodeship 2020+".
Chróstny Tomasz
Position: UOKiK
The President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection
graduated from Finance and Accounting at the Warsaw School of Economics as well as management and production engineering at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, as well as doctoral studies at the College of Sciences of the Company of the Warsaw School of Economics. During his studies, he completed a scholarship in industrial and mechanical engineering at Vitus Bering University College. He is also a graduate of the ARGO TOP Public Executive (equivalent of Advanced Management Program), implemented by Iese Business School and the National School of Public Administration.
He began his professional career by participating in projects in the field of financial statements of financial institutions, company valuation and detection of crimes and financial abuse. Then he prepared economic, market and sector analyzes as well as economic forecasts.
He worked at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, and then at the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology, where until August 25, 2019 he was the director of the Department of Economic Analysis.
From August 26, 2019 to January 26, 2020, he was the vice president of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection.
He has didactic and research experience - he is an academic teacher at the Warsaw School of Economics.
Married, he has four children.
The Prime Minister appointed Tomasz Chróstny as the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection on January 27, 2020.
Gramatyka Michał
Position: Ministry of Digitization
Legal advisor, social worker, longtime local government official, MP of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland and enthusiast of new technologies. Doctor of legal sciences, court expert, as well as the author and co -author of numerous legal publications in the field of forensics. Legal knowledge and management experience were the entry point to work in business. In a large Polish group he was responsible, among others, for the organization of legal service of the company. He built shared service centers. He was an expert in one of the renowned advisory companies.
In a dozen or so years of work for the hometown of Tychy was, among others councilor and vice president for spatial management. He also served as deputy marshal of the Śląskie Voivodeship in 2016-2018.
Member of the Sejm of the Polish Republic of the 9th and 10th term.
He sails in his free time. He is passionate about new technologies and good books.
Privately - father of two sons.
Piecuch Ireneusz
Position: DGTL office
Irek is one of the two co -founders of the DGTL office. As an elderly partner, he is responsible for the practice of corporate law (M&A) and together with Michał Kibil for the practice of new technologies, which we refer to the area of digitization.
Irka's experience is unique and includes on the one hand the practice of intra-House lawyer (In-House) related to his many years of work for IBM as the head of the legal department in Poland, head of the Regional Team of Lawyers in the CEE area and the head of the internship of outsourcing agreements to the area of CEE, the Middle East and Africa. Irek was also the main practitioner of the Telekomunikacja Polska SA group by managing a team of over 60 lawyers.
The second area of Irka's experience are the experience gained in the CMS office, where for over 7 years he was a responsible partner first in the CEE region and then globally for the telecommunications area. Irek was also part of the Polish M&A team and the leader of the TMT team in the CEE.
The last of the areas is a purely business area. Irek was in his career, operational director, member of the IBM Polska board responsible for the functioning of the company's operations in Poland.
He was the Secretary General of the TP SA Group SA managing areas of law and regulations, administration and security as well as a member of the board of this group responsible for strategy and business development as well as the vice president of Poczta Polska SA responsible for the IT area, international cooperation and strategy during the period in which the group introduced a number of restructuring activities and considered the possibility of entering the public market.
In his career, Irek was a member of many supervisory boards, including in Emitel, Wirtualna Polska, KGHM, PKP PLK. He is currently a member of the supervisory board of DESA SA - the largest auction house in Poland. In addition, he is a member of the Trust Council of the Koźmiński Academy, a member of the International Consultation Council of the Alk Law College, a member of the Council of the Foundation L. Koźmiński, a member of the Council of the Universal Reading Foundation and adviser to the President of the largest organization of Polish companies - Employers of the Republic of Poland.
In DGTL, Irek mainly supports investors in searching and establishing relations with companies on the path of fast growth, conducting the transaction of taking over part or all shares in such companies, preparing their development strategies.
It also supports the owners of such companies in the preparation of the right conditions for organizing subsequent rounds of financing and carrying out them. Irek also supports DGTL clients in the implementation of their digital transformation of their companies, from the level of strategy building through its implementation in various areas of their activities.
This includes, in particular, computerization and automation of selected processes, but also verification of the product portfolio for the changing customer experience.
Oko Jacek
Position: UKE
On September 18, 2020, appointed by the Sejm of the Republic of Poland as the President of the Office of Electronic Communications.
A researcher and manager, for many years, combined didactic work with director's positions in the Information Technology Department of the Wrocław University of Technology and at the Wrocław network and seweromputer center.
His professional interests focus on the technical, business and legal aspects of telecommunications services as well as ICT networks, as well as on the development of the Internet, convergence of telecommunications, computer science and media and problems of the information society.
In the years 1998–2002 he worked at the SA Local Telefonia in Wrocław, among others as the director of the Data Transmission Department. In the years 2004–2005 a member of the management board of TK 3 sp.
Associate Professor at the Wrocław University of Technology. Since 2009, the Director of the Computerization Department of the Polytechnic, from 2010, director of the Wrocław Network and Superkomputer Center, from 2018 the Director of the Information Technology Department, Deputy Chancellor of the Wrocław University of Technology for Information Technology.
In his career he managed, among others Projects "Cyber security for the future economy", "Specialized Polish scientific infrastructure for research laboratories (spin-lab)" and "Cloud Computing-new technologies in the didactic offer of the Wrocław University of Technology", is the author of numerous scientific publications.
A specializing in telecommunications specialty by profession. He completed a project management course at The George Washington University School of Business and Public Management.
Jankowska Agnieszka
Position: Ministry of Digitization
Dr Agnieszka Jankowska has been the vice president of the board of the Digital Poland Foundation for almost two years. From 2020, he has also been a member of the Council of Directors of the American Chamber of Commerce in Poland. In March 2023, she joined the group of the Council of the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications.
The new head of the Digitization Council has extensive experience in commercial and public sectors. She won them, among others at General Electric Poland, and currently works at T-Mobile Polska. Dr. Jankowska works particularly intensively in the field of electronic communication and digital policy. From 2005, she was a spokeswoman for the Minister of Development, and then the director of the Department of Management of Competitiveness and Innovation Operational Programs at the Ministry of Development. Earlier for nearly 6 years at the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. She is a graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics, where she obtained a doctor of economic sciences. She also graduated from the National School of Public Administration. He will act socially, without receiving remuneration.
Kowalski Jarosław
Position: Piit
Director for the implementation of digital products in the Information Publishing Group PL SA previously for 6 years associated with the largest provider of content and educational solutions of Pearson PLC. Co -founder of the Education Committee and new technologies at the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications. An expert of education and computer science markets in Central and Eastern Europe. In 1994-2012 he worked in the Polish branch of Novell Inc. Where, among others He supported the development, location and implementation of Suse Linux in Polish schools and the OpenOffice.org application.
One of the founders of the Coalition for open standards (KROS), which aim was to universal knowledge and use of open technological standards and open software by public and educational administration units. Involved in the initiatives of Ida BC and Join.up in the European Union. Actively supports the Incjatywy in the area of interoperability in the IT sector, including integration at the system level, information exchange and the Federation of identity management systems.
He was a member of the Council of the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications (PIIT) of two terms. As part of the Confederation, Lewiatan was a member of the Board of the Polish Association of Private Education Employers, and at the Internet Society Poland a member of the Audit Committee. By Pearson delegated to work under the European Learning Industry Group (Elig). Member of the Polish Information Society and deputy chairman of the SEATORY Council for Competence in the Information Technology sector.
In 1991 he graduated with honors with the Pedagogical University in Olsztyn with a master's degree in social sciences. In 1999, he was elected an employee of the Novell Inc. In 2014, he was awarded by the President of the Republic of Poland with the Bronze Cross of Merit for public activities in the IT and Education Industry.
Pisarczyk Paweł
Position: Atnde Industries
President of the Management Board at ATENDE Software and Phoenix System. Winner of
the 2016 visionary award awarded by Dziennik Gazeta Prawna. Co -founder
of the Invincible Foundation, promoting sport and the idea of active development among young people.
Author and co -author of over 80 scientific publications and numerous articles on
software, operating systems and innovation. Author of the real-time operating system
for the Internet of Things-Phoenix-RTOS.
A graduate of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology of the Warsaw University of Technology, with
which he is still scientifically connected. It has over 20 years of experience in the IT market
in creating and implementing innovations. He took his first steps of his professional career at the Institute
of Plasma Physics and Laser Microsynthesis, creating software for multi -ragged
acquisition systems of interferometric images. Then he co -created the software
for cardiomonitors and robots used to cut integrated circuits.
In 2003, he began working at ATM SA by acting as an engineer,
software team manager, director of the Development Department, and in the end of the board of
the ATM-LAB Research and Development Center, currently ATENDE Software. Co-creator of the content distribution system
used by the largest internet television in Poland
(Player.pl, ipla.tv, NC+, Play Now) and system for managing intelligent
energy meters (AMI) for Energa-Operator. In Atnde, Software is responsible for the company's strategy and still
for the implementation of key products.
Currently involved in the implementation on the global scale of the Phoenix-
RTOS operating system by using it in intelligent media meters (energy, gas) by
the largest manufacturers of such devices on different markets of the world and in other
devices of the Internet of Things (e.g. drones and electric cars).
Kwapisz Sebastian
Position: Orlen
Director of the Cyber security department in Orlen, responsible for shaping and implementing a cyber security strategy in one of the largest companies in Central and Eastern Europe. He has many years of practical experience in building and managing cyber security teams, gained in leading companies from the financial, insurance, banking and IT industries.
Expert in the implementation of advanced technological and organizational solutions (SOC, CERT, SIEM, Network Security, XDR, OSINT, CTI) raising the level of digital security. A member of the ISACA, with prestigious CISM and CISA certificates, as well as an auditor of information security management systems.
He graduated from management, computer science and econometrics at the University of Gdańsk, and management of cyber security at the Warsaw School of Economics.
Kaczyński Jakub
Position: Transition Technologies PSC
Industrial Portfolio Director, Transition Technologies PSC
Sienkiewicz Grzegorz
Position: Department of Crisis, Security and Health Policy, Kłodzko Eldership
Grzegorz Sienkiewicz - director of the Department of Crisis Management, Security and Health Policy of the Poviat Eldership in Kłodzko.
A graduate of the WAT, he worked as an internal auditor. For 10 years, a local government employee employed in positions related to crisis management, civil defense and flood protection. He was responsible for the radio communication system and the warning system. From September 2024, the Director of the Department.
Privately, he is passionate about the history of the Middle Ages, a road cyclist by passion.
Streżyńska Anna
Position: kigeit
Lawyer, expert in the field of digitization and regulation. In 2015-2018 she was the minister of digitization, creating and introducing a program of digitization of public administration in Poland, including Mobjatek, trusted signature and use of banking login in e-administration.
In the years 2006-2012, the President of the Office of Electronic Communications, in which this role led to significant reductions in the prices of telecommunications services, dissemination of Internet access, increasing consumer protection on the telecommunications market, and the emergence of regulations preventing monopolistic practices on this market.
Currently, a member of the management board and strategic advisor of the National Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications and chairwoman of the Quantum Technology Committee in the National Chamber of Commerce.
Karpińska Milena
Position: CPPC
He manages the national contact point for the Digital Europe program, operating as part of the Digital Polska Project Center. The purpose of the CPC is to support Polish entities interested in participating in the program and program beneficiaries during the implementation of EU projects. He is an active co -creator of the European network of contact points as well as materials and tools aimed at better understanding of the program and facilitating participation in it.
He has many years of experience in programming and implementing EU financial programs, primarily in transport, energy and digitization sectors. She negotiated EU legal acts regarding EU funds, developed national systems for the implementation of EU programs and supports applicants and beneficiaries at every stage of their participation in the program.
He also has many years of experience as a team leader, as well as in project management and coordination of international initiatives. She worked primarily in public administration institutions.
Kosman Krzysztof
Position: 1000ideas
My experience is over 15 years of work at every stage of software development. I started as a programmer, I worked as a project manager, Team Leader, Product Owner, I created startups, SaaS products, I developed existing applications. All these were products operating on the Internet and mobile applications mainly in education and marketing sectors.
I manage several companies, of which the most important for me is 1000. -suggestion. I actively run a technology blog and more. I am also involved at the University of AGH in Krakow. I help in digital transformation and commercialization.
Pawlak Waldemar
Position: Volunteer Fire Brigade
Senator of the 11th term.
Member of the Sejm X, I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VII term.
He held the office of the Prime Minister twice (1992 and 1993–1995). In the years 2007–2012 he was the deputy prime minister and minister of economy. From 2010 to 2012 he sat on the National Security Council. In 2011, he managed the Polish presidency in the European Union at the councils for energy, trade and competitiveness. Since 1992, he has been the president of the Main Board of the Association of Volunteer Fire Brigades.
He was awarded, among others: the Grand Cross of the Commander's Order "For Merit for Lithuania", the Order of Saint Karol, the Norwegian Grand Cross of the Order of Merit, the Portuguese Cross of the Order of Merit.
He is currently the chairman of the Senate Committee on the National Economy and Innovation.
Kopijkowski-Gożuch Artur
Position: Polish electricity networks
Director of the National Center for Energy Analysis, Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne SA
Manager, analyst, managing director, with over 20 years of experience in the areas of the energy market, financial engineering, econometrics, economic analysis of law, administration, strategies and organization. Doctor of economic sciences with scientific achievements in the fields of: energy market, investment financing and capital market.
Director of the National Center for Energy Analysis - a center responsible for preparing strategic analyzes in the field of energy transformation (energy, gas, fuel and environmental sectors), working for government administration and the Office of Energy Regulatory. Employee and previously the managing director in Polish electricity networks responsible for the construction and conduct of the transmission operator's strategy, project portfolio management, supervision over analysis, conducting strategic projects of the company, as well as for the organizational division and corporate order.
A longtime employee of government administration, in which he supervised activities in the field of: energy market, coordination of horizontal policies, legislative planning, impact assessment system (OSR), conducting business activity, regulation reforms and deregulation of law. Co -creator of the economic idea of law analysis.
Director of the National Center for Energy Analysis at Polish Elektroenergetyczne Sources
Manager, analist, Managing Director, With Over 20 Years of Experience in the Areas of: Energy Market, Financial Engineering, Economic, Economic Analysis of Law, Administration, Strategy and Organization. Doctor of Economics with Scientific Achievements in the Fields of: Energy Market, Investment Financing and Capital Market.
Director of the National Center for Energy Analyzes - an analytical center responsible for preparation strategic analyzes in the field of energy transformation (Energy, Gas, Fuel and Environmental Sectors), Acting for the Government Administration and the Energy Regulatory Office. Employee and form managing director at Polish electricity networks, responsible for building and managing the transmission operator's strategy, managing the project portfolio, supervising analises, conducting the company's strategic projects, as well as organizal department
A Long-Time Employee of Government Administration, Where He Supervised The Following Fields: Energy Market, Coordination of Horizontal Policies, Legislative Planning, Impact Assessment System (IAS), Running A Business, Reform and Law Deregulation regulators. Co-Creator of the Idea of Economic Analysis of Law.
Chlebicki Marek
Position: PwC Polska
Partner, PwC Polska
Marek is a manager with over 18 years of experience. He has experience in the field of consulting for Polish and international financial institutions and many years of internship in managerial positions in international banking groups.
He specializes in solving complex business and technological problems and the operational excellence of companies. From determining the direction and strategy of action to the implementation of IT, Cyber and Data solutions.
His expertise includes technology and data resistance management (e.g. technology resistance in public cloud and hybrid environments, resistance and data security, technological risk management and compliance with regulations), modern data management (e.g. Data Mesh, modern data platform) and implementation of solutions Cyber security under large innovative and transformation projects (e.g. Cloud-Sec-OPS, Data/AI-SEC-OPS).
Mieczkowski Piotr
He manages the works of the Digital Poland Foundation, whose mission is to make Poland an innovation center. He is a member of the board of European AI Forum - the largest organization of European AI companies (over 2,000 entities) based in Brussels.
He has nearly 20 years of experience gained in the TMT sector, including digital transformation, modeling of business processes, creating programs supporting innovation, implementation of business strategies, analysis of markets and services, as well as the development of public policies in the new technologies sector. He worked, among others for Cyfrowy Polsat, EY, NCBiR, Polkomtel, Orange Polska, Shell Polska.
Kamiński Stefan
Position: kigeit
President of the National Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications
Gawkowski Krzysztof
Position: Minister of Digitization
Vice President of the Council of Ministers - Minister of Digitization
, born on 1980. A politician and social worker. Doctor of humanities and graduate of postgraduate studies in labor law at the University of Warsaw. In the years 2002 - 2010 a councilor of the City Council in Wołomin. In the years 2010 - 2014 a councilor of the provincial parliament. From 2019, a deputy to the Polish Sejm from the Bydgoszcz district. A member of the parliamentary commission of digitization, innovation and modern technologies. In the years 2019 - 2023 chairman of the left Parliamentary Club. From 2021, the Vice -President of the Nowa Left party. Academic lecturer and expert in the field of state cyber security. In the years 2015 - 2020 a member of the Technical Committee of the Polish Standardization Committee. Author of many scientific articles and monographic positions in the field of new technologies, digitization, artificial intelligence and cyber security, including the book awarded with the distinction of the Polish Information Technology Society entitled "Cyberkolonialism". Husband and father of three children. Crime writer, sports fan and an avid photographer.
Duch Włodzisław
Position: Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
He is a full professor, head of the neurocognitive laboratory at the Interdisciplinary Center of Modern Technologies, the Neuroinformatics and Artificial Intelligence team at the University Center of Excellence Dynamics, Mathematical Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, and an employee of the Department of Computer Science used at Mikołaj Kopernia in Toruń. He also worked at the Faculty of Computer Of Computer Engineering, Nanyang University of Technology (Nanyang Technological University) in Singapore as Nanyang Visiting Professor and Visiting Professor (2003-2012). He graduated from theoretical physics (1977), defended his doctorate in quantum chemistry (1980), did habilitation in applied mathematics (1987), and after the doctorate he worked at the University of South California (University of Southern California) in Los Angeles (1980-82). Later, he worked, among others, at the Institute of Astrophysics Max-Plancka in Munich (1984-2001), Kyushu Technology Institute (Kyushu Institute of Technology), Tokyo universities, Rikkyo and Meiji in Japan, at the University of Florida (Gainsville, USA), University of Alberton in Canada and several other institutions. In the years 2012-14 he was the Vice-Rector for Scientific Research and Computerization of the Nicolaus Copernicus University, and from April 2014 to December 2015 Deputy Minister (Undersecretary of State) at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Włodzisław Ducha is/was a member of the Publishing Councils of 16 International Scientific Magazines. He is also a co -founder of many scientific societies (computer physics, neural networks, cognitive science, artificial intelligence) and magazines related to these science disciplines. For two terms he held the position of the President of the European Society of Neural Networks Society, 2006-2008-2011), in 2013 he was elected Fellow of the International Neural Networks Society, is an active member European. He is a member of the Commission of Complex Systems of the Polish Academy of Skills. He published over 375 scientific articles and 290 popular science articles, wrote 6 books and 21 co-edited. His company DUCHSOFT has created Ghostminer software, which is selling Fujitsu.
The main areas of Włodzisław Spirit's scientific interests were initially computer and molecular physics (1977-1990), then (1990-2012) computational intelligence (Computational Intelligence), including methods allowing for understanding of data structures, general theory of computer intelligence based on the assessment of similarity and assembly Transformation and meta-composition, which automatically finds the best model for a given data set, neurocognitive computer science, i.e. algorithms inspired by the functioning of the brain at many levels, cognitive architecture, neurodynamic models of mental illness integrating genetic, molecular and behavioral levels, and models that allow visualization of events mental. He also has several publications from the philosophy of mind. From 2013, he focused on the development of a neurocognitive laboratory on the Nicolaus Copernicus University, and in theoretical research and experimental cognitive processes, and since 2020 he has been managing the team "Neuroinformatics and artificial intelligence" under the University Center for Perfection "Dynamics, mathematical and artificial intelligence."
Having extensive experience in many fields of science and understanding of different cultures, Włodzisław Spirit tries to bring different scientific communities closer. A lot of information on his activities, scientific work and notes for various lectures can be found on the websites available after writing "W. Spirit ”in Google or other internet search engines.
Boni Michał
Position: Digital Poland Foundation
Doctor of the Humanities (1986), assistant professor at the University of Warsaw ((1977-1989). Underground activist "S" and head of the Mazovia region of Solidarity (1989-1990). The minister in many governments: work and social policy (1991) and secretary of state in MPIPS (1992-93). The premiere of Tusk and the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers (minister: 2008 - 2011).
Author and coordinator of work on the Polish 2030 report and reports: Young 2011 and Young 2018. The first in Central and Eastern Europe Minister of Digitization (2011-2013), author of the program: digital Poland. Member of the European Parliament (2014-2019). Currently-assistant professor at SWPS (University of Humanities and Social) and Senior Researcher Associate at Martens Center (Think Tank in Brussels), Sme Europe Senator, head of the program council of the Fise Foundation.
Doctor of Humanities (1986), Assistant Professor at the University of Warsaw (1977-1989). Activist of the Underground "S" and Head of the Mazovia Region of Solidarity (1989-1990). Minister in Many Governments: Labor and Social Policy (1991) and Secretary of State in the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy (1992) -93). Member of the Sejm (1991-1993). Founder and Head of the Institute of Public Affairs (1996-1997). Advisor in the Government of Jerzy Buzek. Advisor is "Lewiatan" and EU Projects (2002-2007). Head of Strategic Advisers to Prime Minister Tusk and the Standing Committee Council of Ministers (Minister: 2008 - 2011). Author and Coordinator of Works on the Poland 2030 Report and Reports: Youth 2011 and Youth 2018. The First Minister of Digitization in Central and Eastern Europe (2011-2013), Author of the program: digital Poland. Member of the European Parliament (2014-2019 Currently-Assistant Professor at SWPS (University of Humanities and Social Sciences) and Senior Researcher Associate at Martens Center (Think Tank in Brussels), Senator of Sme Europe, Head of the Fise Foundation.
PõLD Doris
Doris is the CEO of Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications, The Strongest and Biggest It Association in Estonia. Before That She Leaded The Estonian ICT Cluster for 10 Years So Altogether She Has 15 Years of Experience of Working With Estonian Ict Companies and Repressenting their interests.
Doris is also Vice-President of Executive Board in Digitaleurope Which is the Voice of Digitally Transforming Industries. She stands for competitive and secure business environment for stronger digital Europe.
Her aim is to support the brightst stars of e-Estonia and Estonia's Development Towards Information Society. Doris is a Believer of Digital Transformation and Collaboration, That is Why Supporting the Competitiveness of Business Environment Not only in Estonia But also in Europe is so So Important to Her.
Szubert Krzysztof
Manager with nearly 30 years of experience. Polish entrepreneur, investor and strategic advisor. From the beginning of his career, he has been associated with the industry of modern digital technologies and finance. Experienced both as a CEO of private enterprises and a high civil servant. Knight of the Order of Polonia Restituta. BCC expert. From August 2022, a member and high -level advisor for the UN digital cooperation (IGF). From 2024 Senior Associate Member / Senior Expert in the prestigious Center of Excellence in Cyber Security of the University of Oxford. "
Bigaj Magdalena
Position: Institute of Digital Citizenship
Creator and president of the "Institute of Cycling Citizenship" Foundation. A media expert, researcher and social activist. Author of the book "Education at the screen". Originator and co -author of pioneering "nationwide digital hygiene research". Creator and head of the first digital hygiene studies in Poland at Korczak's university. Korczak 2024 prize winner for activities for children's rights in a digital environment. Columnist of the monthly "Scripture. Opinion magazine. "
Piech Krzysztof
Position: University of Lazarski
Professor of the Lazarski University and director of its blockchain technology center. Habilitated doctor and doctor of economic sciences of the Warsaw School of Economics. A graduate of quantitative methods and SGH information systems. He lectured at SGH for about 20 years. Former head of several startups, including foreign (in London, Singapore) and a Polish blockchain technology accelerator operating under the honorary patronage of the Minister of Digitization. Advisor to startups implementing blockchain technology. Head of R&D of several projects regarding blockchain and AI.
In the years 2016-18, the business leader of the blockchain / DLT stream and digital currencies of the program "From paper to digital Poland"-a group of over 100 experts advising the Ministry of Digitization. A referee of the arbitration court at the Blockchain Chamber and new technologies. Member of the Blockchain Technology Center at the University College London. A former member of the Council of Young Scientists at the Minister of Science and Higher Education and the Board of the Polish Bitcoin Association.
A member of the Polish Economic Society, the Polish Information Society, British Society Alumni in Poland, the Economic Council of the Cyril and Methodois Foundation (Tato.net) and a member supporting the Polish Society of Dialectic and Behavioral Therapy.
It combines science with business and economy with computer science. Scientifically, he specializes in innovations (blockchain, AI), macroeconomics (economic situation, financial crises) and economic policy. He predicted the financial crisis in the world from 2008, warning against him in publications (including Gazeta Bankowa, Parkiet, directly) over a year before the fall of Lehman Brothers. He likes to use quantitative tools to solve economic problems (e.g. macroeconomic forecasting, financial markets). Since 2013, he has been using blockchain technology - he is a member of several technical committees of international scientific conferences.
Scientific editor over 30 books, including several published in Great Britain. He is currently working on the trilogy on Blockchain with the participation of about 60 experts; Author of over a hundred scientific articles. He was awarded as one of the most cited scientists of SGH.
Expert of Polish and foreign ministries, central offices, marshal offices. Co -creator of the programs: Women's Party and Nowoczesna Ryszard Petru. Former chairman of the Program Council of the Democracy Defense Committee. He carried out a Job-Shadow internship at David Milliband (former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain). Expert Warsaw Enterprise Institute, preparing the annual "opening balance", former expert of the European Economic and Social Committee on the euro area, the Institute of Market Economy Research, the Polish Insurance Association, PZU, Ecorys, Case. PARP and NCBR expert in the scope of assessing applications for co -financing (including Feng Smart), a collaborator of PARP in various projects regarding the evaluation of EU programs.
Scholarships for one of the best universities in Europe and Asia (UCL - London, Nus - Singapore). Lectures (including in several countries) regarding macroeconomics, startups, innovation and technology. The speaker at dozens of conferences (e.g. in San Francisco), including the Keynote Speaker at foreign conferences, including in Singapore and Bangkok, Milan.
Strategic, scientific and business advisor of technological startups (especially in the field of ICT as well as blockchain and AI), one of the first lecturers in Poland (and in Ukraine). Consultant of companies and investment funds (VC), a former member of several supervisory boards of companies (including stock exchange).
Rogalski Maciej
Position: Lazarski University
Prof. called dr hab. Maciej Rogalski, lecturer and rector of the Lazarski University. He specializes in the law of new technologies. Author of over 200 scientific publications. Legal advisor, partner in the law firm Rogalski i Wspólnicy. He held managerial positions and as In-House Lawyer in telecommunications enterprises.
Konarski Xawery
Position: Piit
He is an advocate, a legal expert with over 20 years of experience in the field of new technologies. He is a senior partner and co -founder of the Law Firm Traple Konarski Podrecki i Wspólnicy. As part of the office, I coordinate the work of the TMT team in Central and Eastern Europe.
Xawery Konarski is the vice president of the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications (PIIT) and the president of the Legal Association of New Technologies (SPNT). He is also a legal advisor to Internet Advertising Bureau Poland (IAB Poland).
As a legal expert, he took part in legislative works regarding a number of laws in the field of new technologies.
He is an arbitrator of the arbitration court for internet domains at PIIT and the arbiter of the Advertising Council.
He is the author of several dozen scientific publications in the field of new technologies, the law of personal data protection and online advertising. He is the editor -in -chief of the "Law of New Technologies Law", published by CH Beck.
In 2022 he was honored with the annual award Michał Serzycki awarded by the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection "for promoting the value of personal data protection and the law of personal data protection".
Over the past 15 years, Xawery Konarski has been repeatedly recommended in Polish and international rankings by TMT specialists (among others Chambers Europe, Legal 500, Rzeczpospolita).
Bondaryk Krzysztof
Position: Ministry of Interior and Administration
Currently, the director of the Ministry of Interior and Administration, the Minister's representative for the Safe State Safe Communication System.
Chairman of the Council of the Foundation for Families of Families and employees of UOP and ABW,
in 2013-2015-director of the National Center for Cryptology of the Ministry of National Defense, Minister's advisor on cyber security. Previous 2007-2013-head of the Internal Security Agency and 2006-2007-permanent advisor to the parliamentary committee on special services
in 2002-2007-an expert on the telecommunications and banking market in matters related to security and audit. 1997-2001 Employee in the Ministry of Interior and Administration, including Director of the Supervision and Control Department, Government Delegate for the implementation of administrative reform in the Greater Poland Voivodeship, Undersecretary in the Ministry of Interior and Administration. Earlier in 1990-1996- head of the Delegation of the Office of State Protection in Bialystok.
Świątkowska Joanna
Position: European Cybersecurity Organization
Deputy Secretary General at ECSO (European Cybersecurity Organization), the largest European private and public federation dealing with cyber security. In the years 2020-2022 she was the director at the Supply Chain Cyber and Information Security (CISO) in UBS. Initiator and many years of program director of the European Cybersec Cyber security forum. In addition, in 2018-2020 she worked as an assistant professor at the AGH University of Science and Technology.
Author of numerous articles, reports and analyzes regarding cybersecurity, a regular speaker of many international conferences. She was the initiator and editor-in-chief of the European Cybersecurity Journal (ISSN: 2450-2111). As part of the implementation of numerous projects in the area of cyber security, she cooperated with the key, national and international entities of the private and public sector.
In 2016, she participated in the "International Visitor Leadership Program" program dedicated to cybersecurity organized by the US Department of State. In 2017, it was among the 100 emerging stars of Eastern European technology according to the Financial Times & New Europe 100. In 2019, during Women in Tech Summit, she was awarded as one of the top 20 women in cyber security.
From 2023, the proud godmother of the Military Banner of the Regional Information Technology Center Kraków. Currently, he is also a member of the NASK-PIB Scientific Council.
Soldaty Andrzej
Position: Industry Center 4.0 Silesian University of Technology
Director of the Industry Center 4.0 Silesian University of Technology
From 2021, he is managed by the Industry Center 4.0 Silesian University of Technology-a general volume unit established by JM Rector in May 2021. In 2019-2020 he was the president of the board of the Platform Future Platform Foundation, and in the years 2016-2019 he was an expert in the industrial transformation team established in the Ministry of Development directing the project to establish the above platform. In 2016, he created the "Initiative for Polish Industry 4.0" - a social movement gathering representatives of industry, business and science, initiating, supporting and conducting activities for the transformation of the national industrial sector. Professionally for over 30 years associated with the area of industry automation, including 25 years at the Festo international group. In the years 2010-2015 he was the president of the management board of Festo in Poland. He has technical education in the field of mechanics and automation, he also completed doctoral studies in the field of economics at the Institute of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Hałub Przemysław
Position: Gaia-X European Association for Data and Cloud Aisbl
Program and Project Manager with many years of experience in IT project management in the areas of software and application development, digital transformation and cloud services. Currently, the Manager program at Gaia-X European Association for Data and Cloud Aisbl, based in Brussels. Earlier, among others He worked for Atos, at the headquarters in Munich, where he was responsible for managing large IT projects implemented, among others For Siemens, he was also associated with the research and development industry for many years.
The Gaia-X European Association for Data and Cloud Aisbl- International Non-Profit Association. It was founded to develop a framework for creating secure, federal data infrastructure for Europe. To this day, over 350 entities and organizations have joined the association, which was founded in January 2021 by 22 founding companies.
Szlęzak Robert
Position: Mazowiecki Cluster ICT
by profession: Electronics, Telekomutant, Energetyk, Manager. Entrepreneur, animator of international cooperation, lecturer and speaker in the areas: AI, XR, RES, e-democracy, social participation, clustering. The director of the project "CHP plant in the local energy system". Advisor of the Board of the Mazowiecki ICT Cluster - a national key cluster, a member of the program council of the AGH Information Technology Faculty.
He was involved in the animation of energy communities in Poland, in Europe, in the development of Smartgrid in Ukraine. Organizer of cooperation between independent experts, non -governmental organizations and clusters in Europe, in the areas of Energetyka and ICT.
In the past: President of the Eastern ICT cluster, President of the Development Society for Small Human Power Plant, a member of the Lublin Development Council, founder and leader of the "Sustainable Development" area at the Eastern Competence Center, founder and president of the National Cooperative Agreement "Klasgrid".
Woźny Jakub
Position: Kancelaria Prawna Media
President of the Management Board, partner, legal advisor, KPM Lawyers and legal advisers J. Woźny SP.P.
He specializes in electronic communication law. Has unique experience in newer aspects of telecommunications law, e.g. the qualifications of Content Delivery Networks services, responsibilities of suppliers of IoT/M2M platforms, A2P, CPAAS or the rules for regulating satellite communication.
He advises on issues related to the interference of the President of UKE in the activities of telecommunications entrepreneurs. Supports entities affected by special regulations of services provided electronically, including the so -called OTTS and the acquisitions of telecommunications companies. In current operations, he is working on implementing electronic communication law with entrepreneurs and supports the Chamber of Commerce in the Legislation process.
In previous years he was, among others A member of the Telecommunications Working Group appointed by the Ministry of Digitization, the arbiter of a permanent consumer court operating at the President of UKE, was the chairman of the "Legislation" subgroup as part of the IoT Group appointed by the Minister of Digitization. Currently, he is an expert of the working group for AI, IoT and groundbreaking technologies. In its advisory activity, he often combines knowledge of telecommunications with economic education.
Kędra Piotr
Position: PFR Ventures
He manages in PFR Ventures two programs with funds in the amount of PLN 450 million and investing in the VC funds of the early stages of development. He started his professional career in 1995 at Enterprise Investors, the longest -operating Private Equity fund in Central Europe. In 2000-2011 he was the director at Advent International, a recognized international Private Equity fund. He took part in transactions on both the stock market and private market (including Radio Zet, Slag Recycling, WSiP, Polish-American Heart Clinics). In the years 2012-2019 in WSiP, suppliers of educational solutions, was responsible for incubation of new business lines and conducted several transactions of the acquisitions of other companies (including Empik School).
Lytvyn Andrzej
Position: IT Ukraine Association
Chief Business Development Officer in the IT Ukraine Association specializes in international relations and export expansion.
He began his career in the economic and business sector in the advisory authority of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine (Ukrainian Export Development Office). Then he went from a specialist to the deputy director of the state institution "Office for Entrepreneurship and Export Development".
He is currently responsible for the development of strategic services of the largest National IT association in Ukraine, as well as for international activities, foreign partnerships and the participation of the Ukrainian IT sector at the largest technology fair in the world.
He has a master's degree in economics. He graduated from the Kozminski University in Warsaw.
Dulka Andrzej
President of the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Transformation and change management expert in international enterprises. He has many years of professional experience in managing corporations of high technology industry.
He has been associated with the ICT industry for over 30 years, working in AT & T, Lucent Technologies,
Alcatel-Lucent and Nokia. He was the president of Alcatel-Luent Polska and the sales managing director
for Central and Eastern Europe.
Known for his activity, he takes active participation in conferences, occurs in public and is present in the media, where he often speaks presenting both the point of view of IT
and telecommunications industries as well as equipment suppliers.
He is a doctor's engineer by profession, he also graduated from management in the field of management.
The most important current functions include:
- President of the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications;
- Member of the Digitization Council
- Member of the Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications of the Polish Academy of Sciences;
- For 6 years he was the chairman of the National Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications
- He was also a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Communications and a long -time member of the American and French Chamber of Commerce.
In 2010, at the request of the Minister of Science and Higher Education, Andrzej Dulka was awarded the Golden Cross of Merit for his involvement in activities for building a modern information society in Poland. He is also a laureate of the "Golden Cyborg" award.
Kloc Kamila
Position: DG Connect
Dr Kamila Kloc Joined the European Commission in DeCKSBE 2004.
As of Juls 2023 Kamila Was nominated as the director of directorate b Digital Decade and Connectivity of Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (DG Connect) after Acting in this position from February 2023. Unit in the same directorate from 2019.
Previously She Served as deputy head of cabinet for vice presidential responsible for digital single market. Prior to joint the cabinet, she worked at directorate general for energy coordinating exemptions from regulators access rules for gas pipelines. Douring the Polish Presidentcy in 2011, She was Seconded by the Commission to the President's Office of the Polish Energy Regulators Authority.
Earlor, She Worked for 5 Years at the Directorate General for Competition Dealing with Merger and Antitrust Cases.
Prior to joint the commission, she was Employed at the Office for Competition and Consumer Protection in Poland as Adviser to the President. Kamila Kloc Started Her Professional Career in Academia and Tought at the Warsaw School of Economics as Assistant Professor. She has Witten Her Phd on the Role of Competition Policy in the public utilities sector with a special emphasis on telecommunications. She was a fulbright scholar at the University of California in Berkeley and a Chevening Fellow at Oxford University.
KRUK Tomasz
Position: Exatel
President of the Management Board of Exatel SA (from July 2024).
In the years 2021-2024, an expert in the field of cyber security at Amazon AWS and a lecturer at post-graduate management of cybersecurity at the Leon Koźmiński Academy. In the years 2012-2016 a member of the PIIT Council. From 2010 to 2015 a member of the Safety and Defense Control Committee at the NCBiR. In the years 2010-2016, the Operational Director at the NASK Research Institute. Since 2001, a lecturer at IT directions at the Warsaw University of Technology. IT expert specializing in IT safety and cloud solutions.
Sitek Janusz
Position: Łukasiewicz - Tele - and radio engineering
A graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Mechatronics. Associated with the Tele- and Radio Institute, the research and development and electronic sector since 1997. A long -time researcher, head of national and European projects for the electronic sector regarding pro -ecological materials and technologies, e.g. unleashed technology. From 2018, the director of the Tele- and Radio Institute currently being part of the Łukasiewicz research network.
Kołodziejczyk Krzysztof
Position: Globema
Krzysztof Kołodziejczyk is a graduate of basic problems of the technique of the Lodz University of Technology. In 1996 he obtained a doctoral degree in biophysics at the University of Lodz. In 2002 he completed post -graduate studies in "Management of Energy Enterprise in Market Conditions" at the Lodz University of Technology at 2003 Mini MBA Managerial Studies at the University of Meryland / University of Lodz.
He began his professional career at the Lodz University of Technology in 1986 as a researcher, and then continued it at the University of Lodz until 1996. In 1998-2004 he was the head of the GIS system at the Łódź-Teren power plant, and then the function of the head of the ICT office office office. Since 2004, as an independent expert, he cooperated, among others, with Rector, Intergraph, Andersen Business Consulting, S&T Services, BOPD, Hewlett-Packard, Cadexpert, Applications and investment processes. At Globema Sp. z o. o., he is responsible for business development for Utilities enterprises. He participated in the preparation and implementation of numerous R&D projects in the energy area, including optimization calculations, renewable energy forecasting, risk assessment of cable lines, and local energy balance.
Wróblewski Dawid
Position: Digital ID
Ponder Jaroslaw
Mr. Jaroslaw K. Ponder , is the Head of the Office for Europe at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Repressenting iTU in European and Directing Actions, Projects, Initiatives and Experts' Groups Targeting 46 Countries of the Europe Region. His Portfolio Includes Regional Initiatives for Europe, Designed by The European Member States and Focusing on the Ict Infrastructure, Digitization, Digital Inclusion, Accessibility, Innovation and Cybersecurity.
Mr. Ponder Has Managed Numerous Projects, Activities and Initiatives AT NATIONAL, Regional and International Levels. He has a thread lead roles in many International Conferences and Summits Concerting Ict Innovation and Development of Ict Ecosystem, Information Society, and Advancements of Digital Economy Worldwide, While Setting Strategies and Ensuring Their Timely Implementation.
Drring His Professional Career, Mr. Ponder has held official postions in the public section and has been a leading control to legislative projects, which influenced public policy. Mr. Ponder has working for iTU Since 2004 Holding Diverse Positions in the General Secretariat, Telecommunication Development Bureau, and Regional Presence, Addressing the Complexity of Information Society Development and Digital Transformation at National, Regional, International Level vel. Mr. Ponder Was appointed head of iTu office for Europe in 2017.
For Saveral Years, Mr. Ponder Has Managed iTu's Work in the United World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Process, Establation the Annual WSIS Forum, WSIS Prises, WSIS STOCKTAKING, and Others. In His Current Role, Mr. Ponder has established SEVERAL Formal Coordination Mechanisms Facilitating The Work of Un Agencies in Advancing Digital Transformation at the National and Regional Level.
TIME Economic Forum
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