OF THE HEADERS with many years of experience, covering over half a thousand various projects, including more than a hundred in a foreign language: English and Hungarian. Moderator of discussion panels, so far in this role to almost hundreds of projects, as well as a translator with rich achievements; He feels free not only on the big stage, but also in front of the camera and in the recording studio - she was already fulfilled as a television presenter, vlogger and teacher. She is also an experienced business trainer, acting both in a demanding banking environment/AML and in the part of media training.
In its portfolio she has projects implemented for over 300 prominent companies and institutions - its clients include The largest global corporations, strong Polish brands, ministries and government agencies, embassies, international organizations and academic centers. The achievements have events conducted throughout Poland and abroad, as well as global stream events. The clients entrust her with the conduct, moderation and translation of prestigious projects in a wide thematic fan, appreciating careful preparation and adaptation of the style of the host for each type of event.
He divides his detailed professional portfolio at www.annabutrym.pl.