Jaworek - Korjakowska Joanna

Position: AGH University of Science and Technology

Prof. AGH, director of the Center for Artificial Intelligence Perfection of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow. Prof. Jaworek is the coordinator of the Artiq-Center of AI financed by the NCN and NCBR. He is an expert Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe (Claire), as well as a graduate of the TOP 500 Innovators program at the Stanford University in the USA. Coordinated domestic (NCN, NCBiR) and international research projects in EPSRC, Fast Healthcare Network Plus, Daad, National Institutes of Health and Nave Spinaker,  Nawa Bekker.  Prof. Jaworek received a scholarship of NAWA BKKER FELLOWHIP to implement scientific research at Stanford University, CA, USA. Her main research interests focus on artificial intelligence, in particular deep learning areas, anomalies detecting, clustering and interpretability and explanation of solutions. J. Jaworek was awarded the Honorable Mention Award during the CVPR'19  (Isic Workshop) conference, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education scholarship for outstanding young scientists 2017-2020 and the individual AGH rector award for the best publishing scientists 2017-2023.