Piech Krzysztof

Position: University of Lazarski

Professor of the Lazarski University and director of its blockchain technology center. Habilitated doctor and doctor of economic sciences of the Warsaw School of Economics. A graduate of quantitative methods and SGH information systems. He lectured at SGH for about 20 years. Former head of several startups, including foreign (in London, Singapore) and a Polish blockchain technology accelerator operating under the honorary patronage of the Minister of Digitization. Advisor to startups implementing blockchain technology. Head of R&D of several projects regarding blockchain and AI.


In the years 2016-18, the business leader of the blockchain / DLT stream and digital currencies of the program "From paper to digital Poland"-a group of over 100 experts advising the Ministry of Digitization. A referee of the arbitration court at the Blockchain Chamber and new technologies. Member of the Blockchain Technology Center at the University College London. A former member of the Council of Young Scientists at the Minister of Science and Higher Education and the Board of the Polish Bitcoin Association.

A member of the Polish Economic Society, the Polish Information Society, British Society Alumni in Poland, the Economic Council of the Cyril and Methodois Foundation (Tato.net) and a member supporting the Polish Society of Dialectic and Behavioral Therapy.


It combines science with business and economy with computer science. Scientifically, he specializes in innovations (blockchain, AI), macroeconomics (economic situation, financial crises) and economic policy. He predicted the financial crisis in the world from 2008, warning against him in publications (including Gazeta Bankowa, Parkiet, directly) over a year before the fall of Lehman Brothers. He likes to use quantitative tools to solve economic problems (e.g. macroeconomic forecasting, financial markets). Since 2013, he has been using blockchain technology - he is a member of several technical committees of international scientific conferences.

Scientific editor over 30 books, including several published in Great Britain. He is currently working on the trilogy on Blockchain with the participation of about 60 experts; Author of over a hundred scientific articles. He was awarded as one of the most cited scientists of SGH.

Expert of Polish and foreign ministries, central offices, marshal offices. Co -creator of the programs: Women's Party and Nowoczesna Ryszard Petru. Former chairman of the Program Council of the Democracy Defense Committee. He carried out a Job-Shadow internship at David Milliband (former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain). Expert Warsaw Enterprise Institute, preparing the annual "opening balance", former expert of the European Economic and Social Committee on the euro area, the Institute of Market Economy Research, the Polish Insurance Association, PZU, Ecorys, Case. PARP and NCBR expert in the scope of assessing applications for co -financing (including Feng Smart), a collaborator of PARP in various projects regarding the evaluation of EU programs.

Scholarships for one of the best universities in Europe and Asia (UCL - London, Nus - Singapore). Lectures (including in several countries) regarding macroeconomics, startups, innovation and technology. The speaker at dozens of conferences (e.g. in San Francisco), including the Keynote Speaker at foreign conferences, including in Singapore and Bangkok, Milan.

Strategic, scientific and business advisor of technological startups (especially in the field of ICT as well as blockchain and AI), one of the first lecturers in Poland (and in Ukraine). Consultant of companies and investment funds (VC), a former member of several supervisory boards of companies (including stock exchange).