Polasik Michał

Position: Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Dr hab. Michał Polasik, prof. UMK
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.
Extraordinary professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Director of the Center for Economy and Digital Finance of the Nicolaus Copernicus University and the Leader of the FinTech Copernicus Hub project, belonging to the European Digital Innovation Hubs - Digital Europe network. Author of over a hundred scientific publications in the field of digital banking and retail payments.
Manager of numerous research projects, including: the general European study "paytechimpact.eu" (http://paytech.umk.pl) financed by the NCN, a number of B+R projects in the fintech area, payment system, e-commerce and cryptocurrencies. He carried out an evaluation study of PSD2 regulations for the European Commission as part of "Study on the Application and Impact of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 on Payment Services (PSD2)".

- English version -

Prof. Michal Polasik
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun
Michał Polasik is an associate professor at the faaculty of economic sciences and management at the nicolaus copernicus university in Torun, Poland, and director of the center for digital economy and finance nc. He is the author of over a hundred academic publications on retail payments and digital finance that are widels cited. In Addition, He has presided the results of His Research During the Most Prestigious International Conferences on the Payment System, Organized by The European Central Bank, The European Parliament, The Bank of Canada and the Bank of Finland, The Deutsche Bundesbank, and the National Bank of Poland.
He has Led Severral Large Research Projects, EG, The Pan-European Study 'Paytech Impact.eu' (http://paytech.umk.pl) Financed by the National Science Center Poland, and Many Other Research & Development Projects in the Field of Payment Innovations Systems, e-commerce, and cryptocurrencies.
Within His Studies, He Cooperated with the European Banking Federation, The European Payment Institutions Federation, The Polish Bank Association, The National Bank of Poland, Kir, Equensworldline SE, and Other Financial Institutions and Market Stakeholders. He was implementing the PSD2 Evaluation Project for the European Commission - DG FISMA UNDER The 'Study on the Application and Impact of Directive (EU) 2015/2366 on Payment Services (PSD2)', Together with the Vva Group, The Center for European Policy Studies, and the nc.