by profession: Electronics, Telekomutant, Energetyk, Manager. Entrepreneur, animator of international cooperation, lecturer and speaker in the areas: AI, XR, RES, e-democracy, social participation, clustering. The director of the project "CHP plant in the local energy system". Advisor of the Board of the Mazowiecki ICT Cluster - a national key cluster, a member of the program council of the AGH Information Technology Faculty.
He was involved in the animation of energy communities in Poland, in Europe, in the development of Smartgrid in Ukraine. Organizer of cooperation between independent experts, non -governmental organizations and clusters in Europe, in the areas of Energetyka and ICT.
In the past: President of the Eastern ICT cluster, President of the Development Society for Small Human Power Plant, a member of the Lublin Development Council, founder and leader of the "Sustainable Development" area at the Eastern Competence Center, founder and president of the National Cooperative Agreement "Klasgrid".