Sojak Radosław

Position: Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Dr hab. Radosław Sojak, prof. UMK
Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
Radosław Sojak - a habilitated doctor, an employee of the Institute of Sociology at the Nicolaus Copernicus University Institute from 2024, the Vice -Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus University for Handlowa and Financial Policy; Fulbright scholarship holder at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville and the Polityka weekly as part of the "Stay with us" campaign; Author and co -author of the hearings Lost reality (2004 - with Daniel Wicenty), anthropological paradox (2005 - series Monographs FNP), fulfilled promise (2014), aristocrats and craftsmen (2015 - with Łukasz Afeltowicz). Co -creator of the Public Discourse Monitoring Center ( He is constantly looking for theoretical cases that allow us to understand the surrounding social reality, always interested in public debate and its quality.

- English version -

Prof. Radosław Sojak
Nicolaus Coperinicus University in Toruń
Radosław Sojak-PhD, post-docheral degree, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Sociology at Nicolaus Coperinicus University (NCU) in Toruń, Poland. From 2024 Vice-Rector for Human Resources and Financial Management at NCu. Junior Fulbright Research Scholar at University of Virginia, Charlottesville (1999). Grantee of Ministry of Science and Higher Education and British Commonwealth Office (Plater/Nuffield Collage at Oxford 1998) and Foundation for Polish Science (Twice 2000 and 2003). Main Fields of Interest Include: Social Theory, Sociology of Science and Knowledge, Post-Communist Transformation (Role of Violence and Behind the Scenes Aspects of Social Processes), Public Discurse Analysis.