Dr. Topol is the cto of iBm research and a distinguished engineer. She is responsible for the IBM Research Global Client Experience Organization, Which Focuses on Engagement Management of Strategic Alliances and Operations of IBM Research Think Labs. She received an ibm master inventor title and has 95 patents. She is a member of the technical oversight committee (TOC) in the IBM Open Innovation Community. She is also a prolific technical author (> 100 technical publications, 3 Book Chapters, and Over 6.7K Citations). In 2015, She Received the "Most Frequently Cited Paper Award Between 2001-2014" by Symposium on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Technology. Dr. Topol Possesses a Wealth of Experience STEMMming from 25+ Years in Research and Business Alliance Teams, Working with IBM's Clients, Business Partners, Software Vendors, and Universities. Her Previous Positions Include Industry Cto in IBM Systems Group, Director for Intellectual Property Management in IBM Corporate Headquarters (CHQ) Organization, and Principal Investigator of Fundamental Technology Development for Cmos in Ibm Research. Dr. Topol is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), A senior member of the institute of electrical and electronics engineers (IEEE), and a recipient of the 2021 Society of Women Engineers at Local Engaged Advocate. She was highlight in the 2019, 2021, and 2023 Strong Women in It Reports. She has served on an industry Advisory Board (IAB) for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Since May 2022.