17 TIME 2025 Economic Forum

1. The organizer of the 17th TIME 2025 Economic Forum is the National Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications - KIGEiT
2. For the purposes of these regulations, the following terms are understood:

Forum – 17th TIME 2025 Economic Forum, which will be held at the Hilton Warsaw City ul. Grzybowska 63, 00-844 Warszawa and online

KIGEIT – National Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications

Reporting entity - a natural person, legal person or organizational unit without legal personality, which is granted legal capacity by law, which registers Participants,

Regulations – these regulations,

GDPR - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation ),

Participant – a natural person registered to participate in the Forum.

3. Participation in the Forum is subject to payment. The accreditation fee is paid by each Participant in the following amount;

a) for reporting entities that are members of the organizer or co-organizers - in the case of reporting;
· until January 1, 2025 at 23:59 the cost of accreditation is PLN 900.00 net + 23% VAT, i.e. PLN 1,107.00 gross,
· from January 2, 2025 to February 15, 2025 00:00 the cost of accreditation is PLN 1,100.00 net + 23% VAT, i.e. PLN 1,353.00 gross,
· from February 15, 2025 to March 10, 2025 00:00 the cost of accreditation is PLN 1,500.00 net + 23% VAT, i.e. PLN 1,845.00 gross,

b) for reporting entities that are not members of the organizer or co-organizers, i.e. Others - in the case of reporting;
· until January 1, 2025 at 23:59 the cost of accreditation is PLN 1,300.00 net + 23% VAT, i.e. PLN 1,599.00 gross,
· from January 2, 2025 to February 15, 2025 00:00 the cost of accreditation is PLN 1,600.00 net + 23% VAT, i.e. PLN 1,968.00 gross,
·from February 15, 2025 to March 10, 2025 00:00 the cost of accreditation is PLN 2,000.00 net + 23% VAT, i.e. PLN 2,460.00 gross,

c) Cost of an evening closed meeting PLN 600.00 net + 23% VAT PLN 738.00 gross.

4. The accreditation fee includes the opportunity to participate in discussion panels, exhibitions, meetings, workshops, accompanying events, as well as the possibility for Participants to eat meals specified in the Forum program.
5. About meeting the deadlines specified in point 3 of the Regulations is determined by the date of receipt by the Organizer in the manner specified in the Regulations of the completely completed form referred to in point. 6 of the Regulations.
6. In order to conclude an agreement for participation in the Forum (for accreditation), the application form available on the website must be completed no later than March 10, 2025 inclusive. The Organizer's IT system automatically sends confirmation of acceptance of the application. Within a few days of accepting the application, the Organizer will issue a pro forma invoice in electronic form (pdf document) and send it to the e-mail address provided in the completed form.
7. The agreement for participation in the Forum (for accreditation) is concluded between the Organizer and the Reporting Entity upon confirmation of acceptance of the application by the Organizer's IT system.
8. Free resignation from participation in the Forum is possible by sending a declaration of resignation to the Organizer by e-mail to the following address:, no later than 23:59 on February 28, 2025. The date and time of receipt of the resignation (noting its receipt in the electronic inbox) by the Organizer determines whether the deadline specified in the preceding sentence is met. In the event of a free resignation from participation in the Forum, the submitting entity is released from the obligation to pay the fee, and if it is paid, it will be refunded within 7 days of submitting the declaration. The declaration of resignation should be prepared in accordance with the template sent with the acceptance of the application and available on the website in the Accreditations tab, by sending a scan of the declaration prepared in writing.
9. The Organizer retains the right to demand from the Reporting Entity payment of the accreditation fee due in the amount specified in point 3 of the Regulations, and in the event of early payment, has the right to retain the received accreditation fee in the event of receiving a cancellation certificate after the deadline specified in point 8 of the Regulations, i.e. . from 00:00:00 on March 1, 2025. The right to claim payment or retain the accreditation fee remains effective even in the event of failure to appear at the Forum by a Participant whose declaration of resignation was submitted after the deadline specified in point 8 of the Regulations.
10. Until March 10, 2025, the Reporting Entity is entitled to change the registered Participant. The Participant's declaration of change is effective if it is reported to the Organizer by e-mail to the following address:
11. Accreditation does not authorize the Participant to conduct any advertising or marketing activities in the area where the Forum is held or in connection with with its course. The Organizer is entitled to demand payment of a contractual penalty in the amount of five times the maximum accreditation fee for each case of violation of the prohibition specified in the preceding sentence. The entity reporting the Participant who committed the violation is obliged to pay the above-mentioned contractual penalty. The right to demand payment of a contractual penalty does not exclude the possibility for the Organizer to seek compensation on general principles in part exceeding the amount of the contractual penalty due.
12. The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the Forum program as long as they do not change its general character.
13. The accreditation fee does not include accommodation costs. The Organizer requests that Participants book accommodation in advance due to the limited number of places in the Hotel.
14. Point 6 of the Regulations specifies the manner of concluding an agreement on participation in the Forum (for accreditation) only by natural persons, legal persons and organizational units without legal personality, to which the Act grants legal capacity, conducting business or professional activity on their own behalf, to the extent directly related to this activity (entrepreneurs).
15. The conclusion of an agreement on participation in the Forum (accreditation) by persons other than those specified in point 14 of the Regulations (consumers) is possible only at the Organizer's office (ul. Stępińska 22/30, 00-739 Warsaw), after prior individual consultation with the Organizer. the date of its conclusion. It is possible to agree on the date of concluding the contract in a manner convenient for the consumer, in particular via electronic means (
16. If the Forum is not held for reasons solely attributable to the Organizer, the Organizer will immediately refund the amounts paid to the Reporting Entities.
17. If the Forum is not held for reasons beyond the Organizer's control, in particular as a result of "force majeure" (e.g. flood, hurricane, snowstorm, etc.), reporting entities are not entitled to compensation or refund of any fees related to with participation in the Forum, as well as the costs of additional services commissioned to the Organizer by the Reporting Entities or the Participants indicated by them.
18. Any disputes that may arise from participation in the Forum will be resolved by a common court having jurisdiction over the Organizer's registered office.
19. Sending the registration application posted on the website constitutes acceptance of the provisions of the Regulations and the obligation to comply with the order regulations and any other arrangements made between the Registering Entity, the Participant and the Organizer, as well as consent to the processing of personal data provided during the registration process ( including for marketing purposes if appropriate consent is given), making settlements and other data disclosed during the Forum, including the disclosure of data of the Reporting Entity or the Participant as persons present at the Forum. The submitting entity undertakes to familiarize the Participant with the Regulations and other regulations regarding the Forum.
20. In matters not regulated by the Regulations, the provisions of Polish law shall apply, in particular the Act of April 23, 1964, the Civil Code.
21. The forum is closed and does not constitute a mass event within the meaning of the Act of March 23, 2009 on the safety of mass events.
22. The Organizer is not responsible for Participants' belongings that may be lost, damaged or stolen during the Forum.
23. Participants, jointly and severally with the Reporting Entities, bear full financial responsibility for any damage they cause, both on the premises where any activities related to the Forum are carried out, as well as in places of accommodation.
24. The Organizer declares that it is the administrator of personal data within the meaning of the GDPR and informs that the Participants' personal data obtained in the registration process, settlements or during the Forum are processed on the basis of the consent obtained or in connection with the legitimate interest of the Organizer resulting from the obligation to organize Forum, in accordance with Art. 6 section 1 letter f) GDPR. The Organizer declares that when processing data, it uses security measures in accordance with Art. 32 GDPR. The Organizer informs that the received personal data may be transferred to entities cooperating in the organization of the Forum, including companies preparing materials necessary for its organization. The processed personal data will be stored until the expiry of the limitation period for claims arising from the contract for participation in the Forum (for accreditation), plus a period of one year. Participants and Reporting Entities have the right to rectify personal data, delete it or limit processing, object to processing, transfer data, lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority and withdraw consent to the processing of personal data. Providing personal data is not obligatory, but providing it is necessary to conclude an agreement on participation in the Forum (accreditation).
25. Application for participation is tantamount to consent to the recording or photographing of the Participant's image and to the promotional or marketing dissemination of these recordings or photos by the Organizer and Co-Organizers, as well as the Forum Partners. The above arrangements apply when the Participant is filmed or photographed while participating in the Forum as a detail of a public event, in the host's surroundings, during the workshops and when the Participant voluntarily agrees to be interviewed in front of the camera or pose for a photo.
26. The participant who will present a presentation at the 17th TIME 2025 Economic Forum during the Forum declares that he is the author/co-author of the above-mentioned. presentation and that he is entitled to all copyrights to the presentation in question.
27. The participant also consents to placing the content of the presentation described in point 26 above on websites and in social media at the disposal of the Organizer of the 17th TIME Economic Forum and their Partners in order to promote the activities of the above-mentioned companies. entities and consents to making the presentation described in point 26 above available via the above-mentioned websites. entities to an unspecified group of recipients.
28. If the Participant does not consent to placing the content of the presentation in the manner described above, the statement in question should be sent to the Organizer in document form to the email address: no later than March 11, 2025.
29. Forum is carried out using software (IT system) for direct distance communication, including audio-video transmission in real time via a web browser. The organizer provides lectures and workshops as well as other events included in the Forum program as part of the software. The organizer may provide Forum partners supporting its organization with conditions for promoting its offer.
30. The Organizer will provide access to the IT system by sending an access code (TOKEN) to the e-mail addresses indicated by the Participants.
31. Technical requirements necessary for cooperation with the IT system: computer, laptop, smartphone or other multimedia device with Internet access, e-mail access,
web browser: Mozilla Firefox version 17.0 and higher, Opera version 7.0 and higher, Google Chrome in version 23.0. and higher, Safari version 5.0 and higher,
recommended minimum screen resolution: 1366×768,
enabling cookies in the web browser, Javascript
32 support. The Organizer declares that no illegal data will be shared during the online Forum.
33. The participant has the opportunity to check the correct operation of the software on their own devices no later than 3 days before the date of the on-line Forum, please send any questions regarding technical issues to the following address:
34. The organizer is not responsible for problems with access to the software if the Participant uses equipment that does not meet the requirements specified in point 25 of the Regulations.
35. The Organizer provides technical support during the Forum in the field of the software used at the e-mail address
36. The Organizer accepts any complaints regarding the services provided by it directly as part of the on-line Forum at the e-mail address The Organizer responds to complaints within 30 days of their submission.
37. In the case of running the Forum on-line, in matters not regulated by the Regulations, the provisions of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services shall apply.