Time Economic Forum "Digital Dekada 2030": new hand, old problems, openness and cooperation
On March 11-12 this year. The most important annual meeting of people and companies related to ICT technologies in our country took place for the 16th time - the TIME Economic Forum. The Forum was attended by several dozen speakers and panelists and over 1,200 participants, including over 500 online, representing central institutions, chambers and economic self-government, universities, numerous foundations and associations. A total of 35 specialist sessions were held. To these we must add many parallel meetings in smaller groups, and most importantly - the power of lively conversations conducted individually on the sidelines of the Forum. Indeed, everyone - on the main stage, at closed meetings and on the sidelines - referred to the leading topic of the Forum: the challenges of the "Digital Decade 2030" and achieving its goals in the new political realities of our country - the New Deal.
The strategic area of this challenge and the means to achieve it were presented at the opening of the Forum by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Digitization, Krzysztof Gawkowski. He pointed to the digitization of the country "as necessary horizontal changes and a process whose authors are both our predecessors and their current and future continuators. It is important that these activities are carried out transparently and in cooperation with all groups working to achieve agreed, socially accepted goals in the country and the European Union.
The aspect of cooperation and openness to consultations was also repeatedly recalled during subsequent sessions devoted to selected, most important problems raised by our environment and industries. The platform for this type of continuous activities will be the Digitization Council, operating under the Minister of Digitization, which the current Chairwoman of this council, Agnieszka Jankowska, talked about and encouraged to cooperate with.
And our entire sector has many problems that need to be analyzed anew and solved as quickly as possible. We tried to present and highlight the most important ones in a competent, albeit necessarily brief, manner among experts during this year's Forum. Let us recall the most important of them. Regulatory issues include those that are somewhat outdated, such as the National Cybersecurity System and Electronic Communications Law, and current ones, such as the Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act or the functioning of national regulators. The problem, as always, is investments in telecommunications and those resulting from the modernization of the energy sector and its security, dispersion, adaptation to new climate standards, introduction of new business models and principles of financial settlements with the industry and individual customers. Technological issues include, of course, the development of cloud services in our country, but also the dominant topic in the social and business discourse of Artificial Intelligence, its advantages, dangers, regulations, development in our country combined with aspirations to be a leader in this field. Telecommunications, as the foundation of computerization and digitization, the development of services for business and citizens in general, is of course a topic and a circle of many individual problems, and therefore it was analyzed in itself in dedicated sessions or was mentioned in many others. The next ones concerned the problems of cybersecurity in many of its aspects, modern finance, cooperation between science and business, the media market, digital competences and digital hygiene, digital health, and even the Polish space sector. In accordance with the findings and recommendations of the Forum Program Council, we tried to include speakers and experts to talk about issues that are important to us, which are inherently difficult and complicated, in the simplest language possible. In this way, we want to reach as many people as possible in our society with knowledge about them and how to conduct them in the near future, and thus gain their approval for the importance of these issues and understanding their group and personal benefits, both in the near and distant future. Communication with Forum participants, especially those absent on-site, was also facilitated by a television studio, launched on this scale for the first time during FG TIME, where several dozen conversations took place between journalists and panelists and experts appearing on the main stage of the Forum. In this way, in a nutshell, we immediately provided our viewers with first-hand accounts of what was happening and what we were talking about at the Forum, either in panels or in hotel corridors.
Time for a short summary.
First of all, FG TIME has once again confirmed that in our environment, companies are usually competitive with each other for obvious reasons, and it is important to have a personal meeting of people working in them, usually with many years of experience and extensive professional, administrative and managerial experience, but willing to work together for the good of their companies, offices, chambers of commerce, institutions, universities, associations, but with the primary goal - for the good of the country. Secondly, during this year's Forum there was an optimistic belief that even in relation to some old problems, such as the delay in our country's acceptance of certain legal regulations, as well as those always important, such as having sufficiently large financial resources, the openness to cooperation and actual partnership of all parties lies the key to making digitalization more dynamic in our country. The first test of these actions should be announced by the Deputy Prime Minister. The Ministry of Digitization will prepare an updated digitalization strategy for Poland by the end of the first half of the year. A new - political - award in the field of computerization of the country, supported by the substantive contribution of this year's TIME Economic Forum, has a chance to become a fact. Thirdly, a dozen or so organizers of the Forum, headed by its initiator and main implementer, the National Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications, have the right to feel satisfied with a job well done once again for their members and the entire community.
Fourthly, we now declare that the TIME Economic Forum in March 2025 will conduct a solid review of topics, problems, promises and, above all, the implementation of the declared declarations in the area of the digitalization of our country. We do not necessarily have to be leaders always and everywhere, but we certainly have to not only stop the delays in specific areas that have occurred in recent years, but above all, accelerate the process of catching up with those who are already leaders in computerization and digitalization, at least within the European Union.