Duch Włodzisław

Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

He is a full professor, head of a neurocognitive laboratory at the interdisciplinary modern center ...


Duch Włodzisław

Position: Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

He is a full professor, head of the neurocognitive laboratory at the Interdisciplinary Center of Modern Technologies, the Neuroinformatics and Artificial Intelligence team at the University Center of Excellence Dynamics, Mathematical Analysis and Artificial Intelligence, and an employee of the Department of Computer Science used at Mikołaj Kopernia in Toruń. He also worked at the Faculty of Computer Of Computer Engineering, Nanyang University of Technology (Nanyang Technological University) in Singapore as Nanyang Visiting Professor and Visiting Professor (2003-2012). He graduated from theoretical physics (1977), defended his doctorate in quantum chemistry (1980), did habilitation in applied mathematics (1987), and after the doctorate he worked at the University of South California (University of Southern California) in Los Angeles (1980-82). Later, he worked, among others, at the Institute of Astrophysics Max-Plancka in Munich (1984-2001), Kyushu Technology Institute (Kyushu Institute of Technology), Tokyo universities, Rikkyo and Meiji in Japan, at the University of Florida (Gainsville, USA), University of Alberton in Canada and several other institutions. In the years 2012-14 he was the Vice-Rector for Scientific Research and Computerization of the Nicolaus Copernicus University, and from April 2014 to December 2015 Deputy Minister (Undersecretary of State) at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Włodzisław Ducha is/was a member of the Publishing Councils of 16 International Scientific Magazines. He is also a co -founder of many scientific societies (computer physics, neural networks, cognitive science, artificial intelligence) and magazines related to these science disciplines. For two terms he held the position of the President of the European Society of Neural Networks Society, 2006-2008-2011), in 2013 he was elected Fellow of the International Neural Networks Society, is an active member European. He is a member of the Commission of Complex Systems of the Polish Academy of Skills. He published over 375 scientific articles and 290 popular science articles, wrote 6 books and 21 co-edited. His company DUCHSOFT has created Ghostminer software, which is selling Fujitsu.

The main areas of Włodzisław Spirit's scientific interests were initially computer and molecular physics (1977-1990), then (1990-2012) computational intelligence (Computational Intelligence), including methods allowing for understanding of data structures, general theory of computer intelligence based on the assessment of similarity and assembly Transformation and meta-composition, which automatically finds the best model for a given data set, neurocognitive computer science, i.e. algorithms inspired by the functioning of the brain at many levels, cognitive architecture, neurodynamic models of mental illness integrating genetic, molecular and behavioral levels, and models that allow visualization of events mental. He also has several publications from the philosophy of mind. From 2013, he focused on the development of a neurocognitive laboratory on the Nicolaus Copernicus University, and in theoretical research and experimental cognitive processes, and since 2020 he has been managing the team "Neuroinformatics and artificial intelligence" under the University Center for Perfection "Dynamics, mathematical and artificial intelligence."

Having extensive experience in many fields of science and understanding of different cultures, Włodzisław Spirit tries to bring different scientific communities closer. A lot of information on his activities, scientific work and notes for various lectures can be found on the websites available after writing "W. Spirit ”in Google or other internet search engines.

Dulka Andrzej


President of the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications Expert in Transformation Management ...


Dulka Andrzej

Position: Piit

President of the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications

Transformation and change management expert in international enterprises. He has many years of professional experience in managing corporations of high technology industry.
He has been associated with the ICT industry for over 30 years, working in AT & T, Lucent Technologies,
Alcatel-Lucent and Nokia. He was the president of Alcatel-Luent Polska and the sales managing director
for Central and Eastern Europe.

Known for his activity, he takes active participation in conferences, occurs in public and is present in the media, where he often speaks presenting both the point of view of IT
and telecommunications industries as well as equipment suppliers.

He is a doctor's engineer by profession, he also graduated from management in the field of management.

The most important current functions include:

  • President of the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications;
  • Member of the Digitization Council
  • Member of the Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications of the Polish Academy of Sciences;
  • For 6 years he was the chairman of the National Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications
  • He was also a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Communications and a long -time member of the American and French Chamber of Commerce.

In 2010, at the request of the Minister of Science and Higher Education, Andrzej Dulka was awarded the Golden Cross of Merit for his involvement in activities for building a modern information society in Poland. He is also a laureate of the "Golden Cyborg" award.