Gawkowski Krzysztof
Minister of Digitization
Vice President of the Council of Ministers - Minister of Digitization, born on 1980. A politician ...
Gawkowski Krzysztof
Position: Minister of Digitization
Vice President of the Council of Ministers - Minister of Digitization
, born on 1980. A politician and social worker. Doctor of humanities and graduate of postgraduate studies in labor law at the University of Warsaw. In the years 2002 - 2010 a councilor of the City Council in Wołomin. In the years 2010 - 2014 a councilor of the provincial parliament. From 2019, a deputy to the Polish Sejm from the Bydgoszcz district. A member of the parliamentary commission of digitization, innovation and modern technologies. In the years 2019 - 2023 chairman of the left Parliamentary Club. From 2021, the Vice -President of the Nowa Left party. Academic lecturer and expert in the field of state cyber security. In the years 2015 - 2020 a member of the Technical Committee of the Polish Standardization Committee. Author of many scientific articles and monographic positions in the field of new technologies, digitization, artificial intelligence and cyber security, including the book awarded with the distinction of the Polish Information Technology Society entitled "Cyberkolonialism". Husband and father of three children. Crime writer, sports fan and an avid photographer.