Sienkiewicz Grzegorz

Department of Crisis, Security and Health Policy, Kłodzko Eldership

Grzegorz Sienkiewicz - director of the Department of Crisis Management, Security and Politics ...


Sienkiewicz Grzegorz

Position: Department of Crisis, Security and Health Policy, Kłodzko Eldership

Grzegorz Sienkiewicz - director of the Department of Crisis Management, Security and Health Policy of the Poviat Eldership in Kłodzko.

A graduate of the WAT, he worked as an internal auditor. For 10 years, a local government employee employed in positions related to crisis management, civil defense and flood protection. He was responsible for the radio communication system and the warning system. From September 2024, the Director of the Department.

Privately, he is passionate about the history of the Middle Ages, a road cyclist by passion.


Szubert Krzysztof

University of Oxford, Advisor, United Nations

Manager with nearly 30 years of experience. Polish entrepreneur, investor and advisor ...


Szubert Krzysztof

Position: University of Oxford, Advisor, United Nations

Manager with nearly 30 years of experience. Polish entrepreneur, investor and strategic advisor. From the beginning of his career, he has been associated with the industry of modern digital technologies and finance. Experienced both as a CEO of private enterprises and a high civil servant. Knight of the Order of Polonia Restituta. BCC expert. From August 2022, a member and high -level advisor for the UN digital cooperation (IGF). From 2024 Senior Associate Member / Senior Expert in the prestigious Center of Excellence in Cyber ​​Security of the University of Oxford. "

Świątkowska Joanna

European Cybersecurity Organization

Deputy Secretary General at ECSO (European Cybersecurity Organization), the greatest ...


Świątkowska Joanna

Position: European Cybersecurity Organization

Deputy Secretary General at ECSO (European Cybersecurity Organization), the largest European private and public federation dealing with cyber security. In the years 2020-2022 she was the director at the Supply Chain Cyber ​​and Information Security (CISO) in UBS. Initiator and many years of program director of the European Cybersec Cyber ​​security forum. In addition, in 2018-2020 she worked as an assistant professor at the AGH University of Science and Technology.

Author of numerous articles, reports and analyzes regarding cybersecurity, a regular speaker of many international conferences. She was the initiator and editor-in-chief of the European Cybersecurity Journal (ISSN: 2450-2111). As part of the implementation of numerous projects in the area of ​​cyber security, she cooperated with the key, national and international entities of the private and public sector.

In 2016, she participated in the "International Visitor Leadership Program" program dedicated to cybersecurity organized by the US Department of State. In 2017, it was among the 100 emerging stars of Eastern European technology according to the Financial Times & New Europe 100. In 2019, during Women in Tech Summit, she was awarded as one of the top 20 women in cyber security.

From 2023, the proud godmother of the Military Banner of the Regional Information Technology Center Kraków. Currently, he is also a member of the NASK-PIB Scientific Council.

Soldaty Andrzej

Industry Center 4.0 Silesian University of Technology

Director of the Industry Center 4.0 Silesian University of Technology from 2021 manages the center ...


Soldaty Andrzej

Position: Industry Center 4.0 Silesian University of Technology

Director of the Industry Center 4.0 Silesian University of Technology

From 2021, he is managed by the Industry Center 4.0 Silesian University of Technology-a general volume unit established by JM Rector in May 2021. In 2019-2020 he was the president of the board of the Platform Future Platform Foundation, and in the years 2016-2019 he was an expert in the industrial transformation team established in the Ministry of Development directing the project to establish the above platform. In 2016, he created the "Initiative for Polish Industry 4.0" - a social movement gathering representatives of industry, business and science, initiating, supporting and conducting activities for the transformation of the national industrial sector. Professionally for over 30 years associated with the area of ​​industry automation, including 25 years at the Festo international group. In the years 2010-2015 he was the president of the management board of Festo in Poland. He has technical education in the field of mechanics and automation, he also completed doctoral studies in the field of economics at the Institute of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences.



Szlęzak Robert

Masovian ICT cluster

by profession: Electronics, Telekomutant, Energetyk, Manager. Entrepreneur, animator of international cooperation, ...


Szlęzak Robert

Position: Mazowiecki Cluster ICT

by profession: Electronics, Telekomutant, Energetyk, Manager. Entrepreneur, animator of international cooperation, lecturer and speaker in the areas: AI, XR, RES, e-democracy, social participation, clustering. The director of the project "CHP plant in the local energy system". Advisor of the Board of the Mazowiecki ICT Cluster - a national key cluster, a member of the program council of the AGH Information Technology Faculty.

He was involved in the animation of energy communities in Poland, in Europe, in the development of Smartgrid in Ukraine. Organizer of cooperation between independent experts, non -governmental organizations and clusters in Europe, in the areas of Energetyka and ICT.

In the past: President of the Eastern ICT cluster, President of the Development Society for Small Human Power Plant, a member of the Lublin Development Council, founder and leader of the "Sustainable Development" area at the Eastern Competence Center, founder and president of the National Cooperative Agreement "Klasgrid".

Sitek Janusz

Łukasiewicz - Tele - and radio engineering

A graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Mechatronics. Associated with the Tele- and ...


Sitek Janusz

Position: Łukasiewicz - Tele - and radio engineering

A graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Mechatronics. Associated with the Tele- and Radio Institute, the research and development and electronic sector since 1997. A long -time researcher, head of national and European projects for the electronic sector regarding pro -ecological materials and technologies, e.g. unleashed technology. From 2018, the director of the Tele- and Radio Institute currently being part of the Łukasiewicz research network.